wellskelpt's blog


Shared on Sat, 08/26/2006 - 15:23

Diary of Dad On His Own

My wife leaves tomorrow morning for a week of work in India. I will be left to mind our 9-month old son and manage the house. No problem. I'll manage. Or will I? There are many single parents out there full time and I salute each and every one of you because it is a hard job with two parents sharing never mind one. That's the thing though, I am used to having my wife to share the load so this will be a big change in mindset and practice. My wife has been abroad with work before, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, East Timor usually for a week or so at a time but only before the baby came along.


Shared on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 15:43

Dreich Dublin

A wet and miserable day in Dublin. But the working days is about to finish and the weekend starts now. Things are brightening up already.


Shared on Fri, 08/25/2006 - 15:43

Friday Musings

Oh, the summer-time has come
And the trees are sweetly bloomin',
And the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the purple heather;
Will ye go, lassie, go?


Shared on Thu, 08/24/2006 - 08:30

One of Our Planets is Missing!!!!!!!!!!

Pluto is a planet no more. It's gone. Well, it's still out there but just not recognised as a planet anymore (It's a terist conspricy I tells ya!). Pluto, I lament your passing. So we now have eight planets. Next time you have a pub quiz that asks how many planets in the solar system you can tell them NO!!!! there's only eight, I demand my points you idiot. If your child comes home from school saying they learned about the 9-planets go and slap the teacher saying NO!!!! you shall not teach my child inexactitudes, Try and keep up you muppet!


Shared on Wed, 08/23/2006 - 09:57

Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry are, by far, the funniest cartoon double act. At least from a slap stick laugh out loud point of view. Dangermouse and Penfold, now there is a funny duo although the humour there is more subtle: a droll humour as we would say at home. Tom and Jerry are in the news again. Censored. Can you believe it? Aparrantly cartoons depicting Tom rolling and smoking cigarette and another showing a cigar smoking character are no longer to be shown. never mind the smashing and bashing of Jerry or the hammering and pool cue swallowing exploits of Tom.


Shared on Tue, 08/22/2006 - 03:21

Frivolity ensues

Enough of the deep, serious blogs. Time to lighten up a bit.

Is it just me or is Lego Starwars 2 looking and sounding like a lot or fun? I didn't play the first one but the follow up has got me interested. I love lego and I love starwars so it's a winning combination. I'm looking forward to my son growing old enough to play with lego. I'm already picking out sets I want....for him ***cough***

I also hear that BA has banned all flights out of UK and US airports.

"I aint getting on no plane, crazy fool"


Shared on Tue, 08/22/2006 - 02:25

Psychology for Dummies

Regarding the dream i mentioned in my last Blog, I have given it some thought, off and on over the last couple of days. Not that I'm neurotic or anything. "I'm not mad, just angry" (bonus points if anyone knows the film I paraphrased that from). Like most dreams you can't take things literally so the sides in conflict were not important just the fact that there was conflict. Two waring factions representing the myriad of conflicts around the world. I think it weas significant that I was in the middle between them and my family was the target.


Shared on Fri, 08/18/2006 - 02:36

Strange Dream

I had a strange and disconcerting dream last night. My wife and I are currently suffering mild food poisoning or some sort of bug, so that might account for the weird dream. Anyway, in my dream I found myself in an old football stadium. Really old, no seats just crumbling concrete terraces like a Roman amphitheatre. the sun was beating down and it was bright an dusty. On one side of the stadium were snipers from Palestine on the opposite side were Israeli snipers. I was in the middle of the stadium with my UN helmet on. With me were my wife and my baby son.


Shared on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 01:57

Thought for the day

More than 15 Million children in sub-Saharan Africa will have lost one or both parents to HIV and AIDS by 2010. That is a frightening statistic. As a relatively new parent I find these statistics and other sorts of images and reports of disadvantaged children more unsettling than before my son was born. I project it on to my family. I hate the idea of my young son fending for himself in a third world environment. In fact, there was a picture on the front page of one papers a few days ago showing a 10-month old baby clinging to it's mother in the rubble of a destroyed Lebanese house.


Shared on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 15:16

Death to the Midge!

Die ya wee bastards. Die Die Die!

Those little man-eating insects that swarm in their millions biting the shit out of any passing tourist or local. Scotlands mosquito, only worse. 49% of tourists don't come back because of ye. £286M in lost tourist revinue ya wee biting buggers. Well ye didn't like the hot summer, did ye? No, not one bit. Dead by the million they say. Good riddance fuckers hahahahahaha. 30% less this year. hahahahahahaha

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