wellskelpt's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 03:00

A Lithuanian Kick in the Blogs

At least I hope I won't need this blog title tomorrow. Tonight Scotland play away to Lithuania in the second qualifying game of the European Championship. We got off to a great start with the hammering of the Faeroe Islands but as bad as they are and as good as we were tonight will be a tougher game. the lithuanians drew with Italy on the italians home soil after all. We really need maximum points from our opening games from possibly the weakest teams in our group. We have France and Italy to contend with later, the World cup finalists and we also have the Ukraine and Georgia.


Shared on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 05:28

Ah the Memories

I was reeading an article today on how a primary School head teacher is in court on 10 charges of assault. She physically abused a number of children over a period of time through various levels of violence and humiliation. These people are scum of the lowest order. http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/scotland.cfm?id=1308602006


Shared on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 06:23

Limbo shuffling, not dancing

I feel that I'm slightly in limbo at the moment. It think it might just be fatigue but I'm not sure. I'm also a little under the weather but the doctor told me this morning that there's no chest infection so just one of those cold/cough things that lingers around. My poor wee boy has the same thought the bugger gave it to me. It's not always nice to share. Anyhoo, I'll be starting a new job in October so at the moment I'm working my notice in my current role. I don't have any motivation but I'm trying to remain professional and keep on top of things.


Shared on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 15:50


Sorry but it has to be recognised.

We won 6-0 today. We haven't won like that in over 30 years. Let it be known. Shout it from the roof tops. We played the first half better than I can almost remember in my lifetime. I am completely stone cold sober yet feel that I must be pished to see a score like that. Woo and indeed hoo!

we're comin, we're comin, we're comin down the road. When you here the noise of the tartan army boys we'll be comin down the road........sing along with gusto


Shared on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 12:09

Day 6 and 7

I have come to realise that I'm not much of a diarist. More talented diarists may have been able to write more interestingly and eloquntly about my week as a single parentn. Perhaps they could have touched on the changes encountered, the greater need for rythmn and planning in each day and even spoken of the greater bonding between son and father. This would have led to the description of how Cameron seems more of a little person than a baby and that I can clearly see his personality. Unfortunately I wasn't that good.


Shared on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 05:57

Day 5

What day is it? It's all blurring into one at the moment. I can hardly gather my thoughts. Cameron went back to crche today but I staayed home. I needed some time. I've come down with the bug he had or has adn it's not the best. I've had worse right enough and I* don't want to blow it out of proportion but I suppose between work and single parenting and now sickness I'm just worn down a little. I veg'ed out for the morning in front of the TVbut strangly I couldn't relax. I had this nagging sensation that I had to be up and tidying the house, washing the dishes, washing clothes.


Shared on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 04:31

Day 4

Oh dear. Cameron was sick. Not too bad but he was a bit poorly. I kept him home and took the day off work. He slept from 9am to 11:30am so he really needed the rest. In the afternoon we had a dvelopment check at the local clinic. It's a regular thing for all babies to make sur they are progressing normally. The wee man was in good form so we went along and he passed all the tests easily. It was a strage feeling as a parent. for the first time my child had to perform tasks against an examiner.


Shared on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 09:18

Day 3

This is easy. The wee man is a doddle to look after. We were up and out in good time today, thankfully. Cameron had a good day at creche, ate well and was in good humour. I picked him up around 4:30 aqnd since it was a lovely sunny evening in Dublin we went for a walk in the park. We watched some boys playing football and Cameron sat in his pram kicking his legs eager to join in. I wonder if he'll be sporty when he's older. I'll definately try and teach him golf, it's a family tradition. I got him home and fed him. He seemed ravenous. It must have been the fresh air.


Shared on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 04:35

Day 2

Well, I've had worse days but I've had better too. I spoke to my wife after trying to be put through to the correct room for a while. Why is it no-one undertands my dulcet Scottish tones? Why does 2 sound like 3? Not to me it doesn't. I can't even order pizza in Ireland so it's not an Indian thing. Anyway, all is well and my wife is safe and well in deepest darkest Bubaneshwar. Cameron was in reasonable form in the early evening. I was able to feed him without any problems, he gobbled up all that was on offer.


Shared on Mon, 08/28/2006 - 05:36

Diary Of Dad On His Own - Day 1

Sunday did not start well. Our little lad was a cranky cantankerous little beast due to more teething problems. This is resulting in his nose streaming snot everywhere. He also has a slight cough so I think he might have a wee cold. He ranges from being perfectly happy and smiley, he has a beautiful full-face smile, to a litle demon that demands to be carried and hugged at all times. We left for the airport at 11am giving us plenty of time to allow my wife to check in for her flight to London for the connection to Mumbai.

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