wellskelpt's blog


Shared on Tue, 08/01/2006 - 08:31

Rubber Band of Death

It's Tuseday. I'm Slightly bored. I am deprived of sleep. I am going slightly mad. What's a man to do? Have a wee blog of course.


Shared on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 04:40

Wednesday Ramblings

It's not so hot today. Thankfully. Dublin has had 3 or 4 weeks of constant hot sunny weather. Very unusual. Normally we would get, perhaps, a week of good weather in one go and it wouldn't be as consistantly hot as it has been. I'm glad for the respite. I'm just not built for it. I'm a peely-wally Scotsman whose skin tone would be pale blue if it were not for the copious amount of freckles on my arms. Growing up just outside Glasgow I can tell you that we never had this kind of weather.


Shared on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 03:26

Going nowhere

Its 9:00am. I have been on the go for 4-hours already today. 4-hours to end up 4 kilometres from home. I should be about to land in Brussels by now but Im not. the misery of my morning continues and the day is still young.


Shared on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 04:33

Brussel Sprouts

Im off to Brussels tomorrow. Yippee! I cant wait. This is sarcasm. Yay. I could do without the trip. Brussels is OK. A bit like Belgium as a whole really, alright without being anything special to write home about. Add to this the fact that Ill be discussing procurement guidlines using EU funds and ill just be having a whale of a time. The subject of the meeting might not be much fun but its interesting in that I get to meeet people from all over europe, all with slightly different viewpoints. Plus its good to get out of the office and into a different country.


Shared on Thu, 07/13/2006 - 07:51

Jiggling pixels

I downloaded the Rumble Roses Extreme Beach (or something) trailer the other day to see what it was like. Im not really into fighting games and Id seen some of DOA but thought Id have a look anyway. Clearly I wasted my time. What amazed me most was that there was no game play shown just a montage of clips showing well endowed girls frolicking around. Now, if I want to see that then there are plenty places to see real women doing it, on-line and off. Why would anyone want to watch or play agame with scantily clad, CGI girls, jiggling around the place?


Shared on Sun, 07/09/2006 - 07:46


Sunday again. Almost back to work. Never mind, there is still a full day ahead and the World Cp final to watch. Not too shabby. The weather is a bit driech (drab, dreary, wet, grey) and Im home alone. So what is a guy to do? Game on! Of course. Before that though there is the serious business of a rumbling tummy. Its calling out "sausages" over and over again but I dont have any. My wife is on a bit of a health kick at the moment so I am eating a lot of food that is green and crunchy with the occasional red squishy items. I want something hot and greasy to eat for a wee change.


Shared on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 05:22

Respect is Due

Respect. A little word. Often used. Rarely understood, it seems. We, the collective we, the global we, seem to have mixed up the intention of the word respect. You see, respect is not something to be earned. It is a fundemental right of every human being. Respect should be given to someone first and then taken away if actions dictate it. Unfortunately that is not the case these days. Clearly respect is something that has to be earned, that you must prove your worth somehow before you are worthy of being respected and even then there is no guarentee of ever being respected by some.


Shared on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 07:58

Splash-back and the Erosion of Manhood

I realised something the other day, I sit when I pee. Not always but more often than not and only usually at home. I never used to. I used strut confidently to the toilet, release a stream of Wellskelpts finest vintage and turn on my heels to leave, occasionally stopping to wash my hands. Not now though. Not since the advent of............the wife. Now there is too much to consider.


Shared on Wed, 07/05/2006 - 03:56

See that? Thats my smile.

I had my best ever game of Halo2 online last night. Im delighted. It made a change from the mediocrity Im used to through lack of playtime. Strangely enough it was my first game of the evening having not played in weeks. I had no warm up, no practise. Just straight into Rumble pit. The other strange thing was the game was on my least favourite level. Dont ask me the name of it, I dont pay attention to those things, I dont even know the name of the campaign levels and Ive gone through them often enough.


Shared on Tue, 07/04/2006 - 03:45

Enzo, Oh Yes.

I bought a Ferrari Enzo yesterday. I took the plunge after drooling at it for a while. I had my eye on this particular thing of beauty for some time and although I could afford it, it was still a big decision. After all, it wont be suited to many roads, there will be a few tracks I can use it on. It will and is difficult to control properly and will take some time to master but, oh my, it is a glorious machine. It looks sublime in the Ferrari Red, like a hot temptress. I almost got it in black but it looked evil in that colour: a bit like a weapon rather than a car.

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