wellskelpt's blog


Shared on Mon, 07/03/2006 - 06:34

Teeth: Little White Buggers of Torture

I finished of Call of Duty2 on Veteran level. Quite please about that. It was tough going in places but overall not too bad. Im more pleased to finish it now so that I am ready for Prey when it comes out. I have always been behind the times, you see. up until now that is. I got an Xbox late, I got an X360 last month, got my first live account with it, so only about 2-years late on Halo2 Live action. Got COD a few weeks ago. being late into games means your behind on Live and that sucks cause everyone is usually miles better having had more practice.


Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 04:18


I finally did it. I finally got past the Silo level in Call of Duty2 on veteran setting. It is a feat that many have achieved so not that special really but to me it was something. I was being driven up the wall and round the bend by this particular point in the game. Clearing the town is straight forward enough.


Shared on Fri, 06/16/2006 - 10:03

Babies are hazardous for your health

Yes they are. Sleep depravation will kill ya in the end. Its not the babys fault though. I have a 7-month old boy and I couldnt have asked for an easier wee guy. Hes very easy going and placid by nature. Usually he sleep all night, 10pm to 7am. Incredible, I know. So why, I hear you ask, is he bad for my health?


Shared on Fri, 06/16/2006 - 03:42

Its good to talk

It would be good to talk if it were at all possible. Thats what gaming on live is all about. Playing games and having a bit of banter with friends adds to the experience. So why isnt it happening for me? Up until a few weeks ago I was able to chat with fellow gamers and  laugh as I was gunned down and blown up in many visually impressive ways. Things have changed however and for no aparent reason. Now when I play halo2 or Call of Duty2 online I can only hear my fellow combatants.


Shared on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 03:15

I heard the call

I have discovered Call of Duty 2 and Im so glad I did. Its great fun. I wanted to get the game ages ago but with a 7-month old baby my finances need to be reined in slightly. I got Oblivion with the console and was happily playing that for a while. The problem I feel with Oblivion is that it is almost too big. There is almost too much to do in the game. It  is still great to play but can be a bit repetitive. Every cave and fort kind of look the same as do castle interiors but all the same its a good game to play but one I might dip in and out of when Im too tired for a shooter. Like COD2.


Shared on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 07:32

Blog this ya bloggin blogger

Here we go then. My first foray into blogging. Why now? Dunno. I dont even expect it to be read by anyone else so does this mean its purely self indulgent? Is what I have to say relevant? or even interesting? Enough of the questions. On with the blog. (incidentally, bad spelling will be intentional........just because. OK?)

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