Xbone Catch-All News/Rumor/General Fuckery Thread

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Tue, 08/13/2013 - 13:21 (Reply to #301)
Shadow's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

I'm a little bit happier today...I know my wife will be too.

I don't know if it's been in the media much, but there's a large number of women that have been watching this Kinect thing quite uneasily. Don't mess with a mom when she's worried about her kids.

sounds pretty sexist to me.  why would women care more about their kids than men?  oh also, some people will be worried about pretty much anything.



Clearly you know little about kids or women. No one said anything about men, or more, and anything is a generally vague shot at, um, anyone.

Great pointless response. I hope you haven't reproduced yet...

son on the way in December, thanks. 

The 1984 type worry just bugs the SHIT out of me.  I'm so sick of it.

Really? Just saw a news clip where if you post one picture online from a smart phone people, and mostly anyone, especially anyone that saw the clip, can locate where that picture was taken and most likely where you live, where your kid lives, which rooms probably his, software that can actually map out that room, what school he goes to, and they had forensic cyber police (whatever their title is now) in the report that hadn't seen it yet.

Damn sad it irritates you.


Now read this.


Oh, and the son "on the way" confirms you don't know, yet. wink Mine are leaving for college this weekend and I'm still grasping at "don't know yet" so.....

this gets a whole lot of "so?" from me.  And that means what exactly?  Oh no, they know people live in a house, with humans, in rooms.

and also, that has nothing to do with a closed system Kinect camera that is used primarily as an input device.  Anything sent externally is no more insecure than using a PC for Skype rather than an Xbox.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 14:55 (Reply to #302)
Hunturic's picture
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Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

I'm a little bit happier today...I know my wife will be too.

I don't know if it's been in the media much, but there's a large number of women that have been watching this Kinect thing quite uneasily. Don't mess with a mom when she's worried about her kids.

sounds pretty sexist to me.  why would women care more about their kids than men?  oh also, some people will be worried about pretty much anything.



Clearly you know little about kids or women. No one said anything about men, or more, and anything is a generally vague shot at, um, anyone.

Great pointless response. I hope you haven't reproduced yet...

son on the way in December, thanks. 

The 1984 type worry just bugs the SHIT out of me.  I'm so sick of it.

Really? Just saw a news clip where if you post one picture online from a smart phone people, and mostly anyone, especially anyone that saw the clip, can locate where that picture was taken and most likely where you live, where your kid lives, which rooms probably his, software that can actually map out that room, what school he goes to, and they had forensic cyber police (whatever their title is now) in the report that hadn't seen it yet.

Damn sad it irritates you.


Now read this.


Oh, and the son "on the way" confirms you don't know, yet. wink Mine are leaving for college this weekend and I'm still grasping at "don't know yet" so.....

this gets a whole lot of "so?" from me.  And that means what exactly?  Oh no, they know people live in a house, with humans, in rooms.

and also, that has nothing to do with a closed system Kinect camera that is used primarily as an input device.  Anything sent externally is no more insecure than using a PC for Skype rather than an Xbox.

  The whole Kinnect always on thing just crossed the line for me.   There is some much intrusion today via the NSA that this was the item I chose to draw the line over.  Yes it is more symbollic than anything, but I can turn off my phone, close my laptop that has a camera, etc.........but just inviting M$ and the NSA (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57593339-38/nsa-docs-boast-now-we-can-wiretap-skype-video-calls/) to have access to my house whenever was the place I chose to draw the line.  The NSA and FBI are forcing tech companies to build in back doors to everything.   Howerver, not that you don't have to have the kinect....I am really interest in getting the xbox one.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 15:14 (Reply to #303)
Shadow's picture
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Hunturic wrote:
The whole Kinnect always on thing just crossed the line for me.   There is some much intrusion today via the NSA that this was the item I chose to draw the line over.  Yes it is more symbollic than anything, but I can turn off my phone, close my laptop that has a camera, etc.........but just inviting M$ and the NSA (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57593339-38/nsa-docs-boast-now-we-can-wiretap-skype-video-calls/) to have access to my house whenever was the place I chose to draw the line.  The NSA and FBI are forcing tech companies to build in back doors to everything.   Howerver, not that you don't have to have the kinect....I am really interest in getting the xbox one.

They said you can turn it off about a week after they announced the One back in May.  So, since then it's been moot.  No more anti-privacy than a phone or laptop, as you say.  You can't remove those cameras - they're always on and plugged in or in the case of a phone have the ability for the mic to be turned on remotely.

Yet everyone has them.

I just don't understand the freakout.  And I'm not replying to the other poster above (see sig)

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 15:05 (Reply to #304)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Shadow wrote:

Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

I'm a little bit happier today...I know my wife will be too.

I don't know if it's been in the media much, but there's a large number of women that have been watching this Kinect thing quite uneasily. Don't mess with a mom when she's worried about her kids.

sounds pretty sexist to me.  why would women care more about their kids than men?  oh also, some people will be worried about pretty much anything.



Clearly you know little about kids or women. No one said anything about men, or more, and anything is a generally vague shot at, um, anyone.

Great pointless response. I hope you haven't reproduced yet...

son on the way in December, thanks. 

The 1984 type worry just bugs the SHIT out of me.  I'm so sick of it.

Really? Just saw a news clip where if you post one picture online from a smart phone people, and mostly anyone, especially anyone that saw the clip, can locate where that picture was taken and most likely where you live, where your kid lives, which rooms probably his, software that can actually map out that room, what school he goes to, and they had forensic cyber police (whatever their title is now) in the report that hadn't seen it yet.

Damn sad it irritates you.


Now read this.


Oh, and the son "on the way" confirms you don't know, yet. wink Mine are leaving for college this weekend and I'm still grasping at "don't know yet" so.....

this gets a whole lot of "so?" from me.  And that means what exactly?  Oh no, they know people live in a house, with humans, in rooms.

and also, that has nothing to do with a closed system Kinect camera that is used primarily as an input device.  Anything sent externally is no more insecure than using a PC for Skype rather than an Xbox.

You're an idiot. You brought up 1984 thinking. I'm talking about pedophiles and you becomiong a parent. I hope the wifes smarter.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 06:22
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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I dont think the price thing is that big of an issue, in all honesty if you cant afford a $499 xbox then you probably shouldnt be buying a $399 Playstation anyways.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 08:54 (Reply to #306)
twitchy's picture
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Matt Likes Beer wrote:
...in all honesty if you cant afford a $499 xbox then you probably shouldnt be buying a $399 Playstation anyways.

I guess I shouldn't get that $150,000 condo then, because I can't afford the $155,000 one...

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 11:06 (Reply to #307)
Shadow's picture
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twitchy wrote:

Matt Likes Beer wrote:
...in all honesty if you cant afford a $499 xbox then you probably shouldnt be buying a $399 Playstation anyways.

I guess I shouldn't get that $150,000 condo then, because I can't afford the $155,000 one...

exactly.  wait, was there a point here?

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 11:08 (Reply to #308)
Autarch's picture
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twitchy wrote:

Matt Likes Beer wrote:
...in all honesty if you cant afford a $499 xbox then you probably shouldnt be buying a $399 Playstation anyways.

I guess I shouldn't get that $150,000 condo then, because I can't afford the $155,000 one...

That makes sense, actually.  If a 3% difference in price is the difference between affording those, then you'd be house-poor buying the slightly less costly condo.  Not sure if you were agreeing or trying to be sarcastic though.


In any event, I think Microsoft should drop the price $100 or more, but keep the Kinect.  If their plan is to get these into so many living rooms, and have people with vastly lower gaming interest compared to movie and TV content interest, then the price drop makes the console easier to justify.

There's a difference between affordable, and a good value.  Many people would find the Xbox One a better value for what they specifically would use it for with a price drop, and I feel Microsoft can easily make up the initial difference over time through the console's use.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 11:46 (Reply to #309)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Autarch wrote:

twitchy wrote:

Matt Likes Beer wrote:
...in all honesty if you cant afford a $499 xbox then you probably shouldnt be buying a $399 Playstation anyways.

I guess I shouldn't get that $150,000 condo then, because I can't afford the $155,000 one...

That makes sense, actually.  If a 3% difference in price is the difference between affording those, then you'd be house-poor buying the slightly less costly condo.  Not sure if you were agreeing or trying to be sarcastic though.


In any event, I think Microsoft should drop the price $100 or more, but keep the Kinect.  If their plan is to get these into so many living rooms, and have people with vastly lower gaming interest compared to movie and TV content interest, then the price drop makes the console easier to justify.

There's a difference between affordable, and a good value.  Many people would find the Xbox One a better value for what they specifically would use it for with a price drop, and I feel Microsoft can easily make up the initial difference over time through the console's use.

I agree whole heartedly, BUT I don't think it'll happen. They've been adjusting uncharacteristically quite a bit already and I'm thinking they're probably hitting their limit. Not to rule out a drop sometime after release. Or, perhaps a repackaging without the Kinect down the road?

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 06:30
OutcastB's picture
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No mandatory Kinect? I'm officially in.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 12:14
Lbsutke's picture
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I think they would not even have to do a 100 dollar drop. If they were to do a 50 dollar drop that might be just enough to nut punch Sony.

There is a psycological barrier when a lot of people see 100 dollars more, then just 49.99.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 12:56
Lbsutke's picture
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so I debated posting this, (mainly for selfish reasons on not wanting to have to deal with more rage) but if this is true and does not change will make me a sad panda until I can get a xb 1.




It does leave me with this questions. Supposedly you were able to connect a 360 to the XB1 (via Hdmi) and use it and all of its functions via the XB 1. (this was a proposed solution for backwards compat.) So if that was the case, wtf can people voice chat between consoles.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 13:20 (Reply to #313)
Shadow's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

so I debated posting this, (mainly for selfish reasons on not wanting to have to deal with more rage) but if this is true and does not change will make me a sad panda until I can get a xb 1.




It does leave me with this questions. Supposedly you were able to connect a 360 to the XB1 (via Hdmi) and use it and all of its functions via the XB 1. (this was a proposed solution for backwards compat.) So if that was the case, wtf can people voice chat between consoles.

You can.  You just need two different headsets/controllers - which we already know because XB1 controllers won't work with the 360.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 13:00
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I think that's true. cross platform text and you can see what others playing will work though I think.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 14:30
FreeRadikal's picture
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Do you ever wake up and say OMG, this is how I spend my time posting nonsense on 2old2play forums...but then it's like it beats the other option...death...death is the other option.

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 14:56 (Reply to #316)
CProRacing's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

Do you ever wake up and say OMG, this is how I spend my time posting nonsense on 2old2play forums...but then it's like it beats the other option...death...death is the other option.


Tue, 08/13/2013 - 15:35 (Reply to #317)
Lbsutke's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

Do you ever wake up and say OMG, this is how I spend my time posting nonsense on 2old2play forums...but then it's like it beats the other option...death...death is the other option.


every freaking day...lol

Tue, 08/13/2013 - 15:43 (Reply to #318)
Shadow's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

FreeRadikal wrote:

Do you ever wake up and say OMG, this is how I spend my time posting nonsense on 2old2play forums...but then it's like it beats the other option...death...death is the other option.


every freaking day...lol

oh this isn't even the tip of the iceberg of how I waste my time.

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 18:52
gizziegod's picture
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Wed, 08/14/2013 - 19:19 (Reply to #320)
HLR_King_Cobra's picture
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gizziegod wrote:

delayed in 8 marketplaces


Smaller european countries get fucked in the ass, again.

I have a day one edition preordered but now I even have to fucking wait to play Forza. I doubt that edition is still gonna be available at our local launch, now we will get a free game which actually wouldn't surprise me if it is Forza but since I'm planning on buying it digitally, I want the instant switching & other digital benefits, if the disc gets bundled in instead of a code I'm screwed because of even lower resale value because the market will probably be flooded with second hand copies.

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 18:59
Parcells2's picture
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Gizzie, what the hell you doing out in these threads? I'm only going to tell you once..."Its dangerous out here." Now do what's good for you and get back into the 2O4F threads, Parcells will see you over there.

[Edit] - Oldschool, will you have a talk with Gizzie please and thank you.

Wed, 08/14/2013 - 19:22
gizziegod's picture
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@ KC, i thought of you shark and zeratul when i read it.


@ parcells, your not the boss of me, nanaNANA 11

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 06:34 (Reply to #323)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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gizziegod wrote:

@ KC, i thought of you shark and zeratul when i read it.


@ parcells, your not the boss of me, nanaNANA 11

What he said Parcells.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 11:18
CiaranORian's picture
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Xboxone delay in 8 european countries is a blow to MS. Sony has always done well in Europe and this will help enforce the image that MS cares more about the US, which it does.

Thankfully it's still launching in Ireland in Nov (for now). Not sure how we managed that since I imagine Ireland is probably one of the smallest markets.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 11:19 (Reply to #325)
Shadow's picture
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CiaranORian wrote:

Xboxone delay in 8 european countries is a blow to MS. Sony has always done well in Europe and this will help enforce the image that MS cares more about the US, which it does.

Thankfully it's still launching in Ireland in Nov (for now). Not sure how we managed that since I imagine Ireland is probably one of the smallest markets.

I don't think MS is that worried about it.  Sony obviously cares more about Japan, but they still do fine here.  MS does the best in the USA so it makes sense to make sure we have the most stock at launch.  They don't sell anything in Japan.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 11:37
JohnnyHustler's picture
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The rumor was an issue with translations for some countries, although I'm not sure how reliable that rumor is.  NeoGAF is convinced it's due to a hardware issue. I'm convinced NeoGAF is a cesspool.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 13:47 (Reply to #327)
CProRacing's picture
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JohnnyHustler wrote:

The rumor was an issue with translations for some countries, although I'm not sure how reliable that rumor is.  NeoGAF is convinced it's due to a hardware issue. I'm convinced NeoGAF is a cesspool.

A lot of people are saying its the laws in the Countries relating to electronic stuff has to be in the national language of said country.

That means MS is not allowed to sell the One in English and must translate everything first.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:22 (Reply to #328)
JohnnyHustler's picture
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CProRacing wrote:

JohnnyHustler wrote:

The rumor was an issue with translations for some countries, although I'm not sure how reliable that rumor is.  NeoGAF is convinced it's due to a hardware issue. I'm convinced NeoGAF is a cesspool.

A lot of people are saying its the laws in the Countries relating to electronic stuff has to be in the national language of said country.

That means MS is not allowed to sell the One in English and must translate everything first.

That makes sense, but you'd think MS would have been ready for that, since they sell the 360 in these coutries.

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:41 (Reply to #329)
CProRacing's picture
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JohnnyHustler wrote:

CProRacing wrote:

JohnnyHustler wrote:

The rumor was an issue with translations for some countries, although I'm not sure how reliable that rumor is.  NeoGAF is convinced it's due to a hardware issue. I'm convinced NeoGAF is a cesspool.

A lot of people are saying its the laws in the Countries relating to electronic stuff has to be in the national language of said country.

That means MS is not allowed to sell the One in English and must translate everything first.

That makes sense, but you'd think MS would have been ready for that, since they sell the 360 in these coutries.


Maybe the original plan did not include launching at these locations due to DRM etc


So maybe there never was a plan to release and ms are on the catch up

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:42
CProRacing's picture
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Just maybe ;-) 

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