Lithium's blog


Shared on Sun, 08/13/2006 - 14:30

Hot Spartan on Spartan Action! Only $29.95!!!

Mmmmm! 2o2p MLG Saturday Nights rule! Caesar did an awesome job running the bracket. Things went very smooth and there was no confusion as to who the next team to play was. Good work Caesar!!!

First Match: Vexire Fortes vs Team Vulgarity

Game One
Team Ball Midship


Shared on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 08:54


GOOD MATCH FAITHLESS PROPHETS!!! And thanks for being good sports, esply with the host problems. I'm sorry we couldn't get a good host from the start and I'm glad that we worked together to resolve the issue.


Shared on Fri, 07/21/2006 - 11:35


First off, Good Match last night Jerry's Kids. Second, don't misinterpret this as a bitch about a loss or me trying to point fingers, its not. Jerry's Kids would have won no matter what, they laid down superior cross-fire and amazing grenades. I have no gripe about their wins, especially since they played under the same circumstances that we did. This is more of me venting about my piss poor attitude and performance and what playing under different settings did to my mindset.


Shared on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 09:25

Pro Ladder: VF vs Profanity

So much for the third time being the charm... I think thus far this is the best match weve played. We managed to stick to our strategies and set ups and stayed consistant. Thanks to all the players in FourShotKill for scriming with us on Monday and helping us on our KotH in Sanctuary. Without their help the score would have looked a lot worse!


Shared on Wed, 06/21/2006 - 10:04


Vexire Fortes had their second Pro ladder match last night. I was supposed to lead them to victory, but I got food poisioning and had to call out sick. My replacement was at practice, but he wasnt part of the team that I was gearing up towards this match (he got to play vs that team). I also screwed up big and geared my team to play CTF Sanc as if there were no sinpers on the map and to push and control the PPs. Sorry guys!

So since I was not part of the carnage last night here is a quick report and links for the games from NeoOblivion (known as gq123 on 2o2p)


Shared on Thu, 06/15/2006 - 08:31

Pro Ladder: VF vs Alpha

Here it is, the first ladder match for Vexire Fortes and my first ladder match as well. We challenged Alpha last week in a underdog attempt to take the top of the ladder from them... OK, it was more for the honor of kicking off our ladder season versus the best, and having them kick our ass!


Shared on Sun, 06/11/2006 - 21:32

June 10th 4v4 MLG loosing spree


Yeah, see that thing up there... Never picking one up as long as I play... Why? Well let me tell you why... Out of the 9 games I played in the Saturday night 4v4 it was in 6 of those games (Sanc and Midship) Out of those 6 games I picked it up at least twice. I hit only 3 times... I started counting missed lunges in the thrid game and at the end of the night I had 19!!! Forget it, BXB is more reliable.... Anyways, on to the losing spree....



Shared on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 09:14

Not so much a blog...

Well, Im not really going to use this as a blog. More as a tournament report for all 2o2p activities that I partake in. No worries, thell be plenty, seeing as how I am participating in the Pro Ladder, Draft Knockout Ladder, and occasionally a Sat 4v4 or Fri 2v2.

 I enjoy competitions, but realize that this is just a game. Beyond anything else, this is all I have friend-wise... Everyone Ive played with thus far from this site has been awesome. I look forward to playing with all of you....



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