Habu06's blog


Shared on Sun, 04/04/2010 - 17:48

Bad Company 2 / MW2 map pack

O.K , since last time, my Battlefield 2 experience has gotten a little better. I am still learnig the maps, but I'm actually starting to contribute something productive  to the squad other than being a bullet catcher.  I also played the single player campaign through and I thought the story line was as good as Modern Warfare. The little inside jokes at MW2 were  funny enough to at least crack a smile.  I also like achievements that don't require you to play the entire campaign again on veteran.  So, is it better than MW2? No, not better, but better than I first thought.


Shared on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 20:35

Battlefield Bad Co 2 WTF?

I finally broke down and jumped on the Battlefield Bad Company 2 bandwagon. I bought the game this past weekend and jumped right into the deep end of the pool and started playing multiplayer. I had tried the beta demo on Live, so had a little idea of what to expect ,but my first experience with the multiplayer could be best described as a total and complete ass handing.


Shared on Mon, 03/29/2010 - 20:35

Battlefield Bad Co 2 WTF?

I finally broke down and jumped on the Battlefield Bad Company 2 bandwagon. I bought the game this past weekend and jumped right into the deep end of the pool and started playing multiplayer. I had tried the beta demo on Live, so had a little idea of what to expect ,but my first experience with the multiplayer could be best described as a total and complete ass handing.


Shared on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 11:58

Sukin' Wind

Every once in while you just have one of those gaming sessions where for whatever reason you just can,t get your ass in gear. Last night was one of those. Everything started out O.K but for some reason I kept getting dropped from the party lobby. I think I screwed up a couple of times by turtling too soon (No, not the bathroom turtle).


Shared on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 11:58

Sukin' Wind

Every once in while you just have one of those gaming sessions where for whatever reason you just can,t get your ass in gear. Last night was one of those. Everything started out O.K but for some reason I kept getting dropped from the party lobby. I think I screwed up a couple of times by turtling too soon (No, not the bathroom turtle).


Shared on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 09:30

WaW Redux

It's Thursday, I'm home from work, the kiddo has gone to bed and I'm able to sit down and  fire up the 360 to play a little MW2 online for a while. I'm hoping a PCP member  is on and I'll get into some clan games but if not, I'll just work on learning the maps and try to finish up a weapon challenge I'm in the middle of.  I,m playing a bit and plip! I get an invite from Mr. Sleestak (by the way thanks!) to play COD.  Now I about to display my noobery so bear with me.  I didn't read the invite closely enough when I hit accept.


Shared on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 09:30

WaW Redux

It's Thursday, I'm home from work, the kiddo has gone to bed and I'm able to sit down and  fire up the 360 to play a little MW2 online for a while. I'm hoping a PCP member  is on and I'll get into some clan games but if not, I'll just work on learning the maps and try to finish up a weapon challenge I'm in the middle of.  I,m playing a bit and plip! I get an invite from Mr. Sleestak (by the way thanks!) to play COD.  Now I about to display my noobery so bear with me.  I didn't read the invite closely enough when I hit accept.


Shared on Sun, 03/14/2010 - 22:20

What's a Habu?

Occassionally I get asked about the name Habu (Hah-boo) and if it has any meaning.  It really doesn't have a specific meaning, but here's  where the name came from.

Once upon a time, (the late 1980's to be exact)  courtesy of Uncle Sam's  Misguided Children I  was happened to be on the island paradise of Okinawa for some fun in the sun. The island is home to a poisonous snake called a Habu. I always liked the name. It sounded cool.


Shared on Sun, 03/14/2010 - 22:20

What's a Habu?

Occassionally I get asked about the name Habu (Hah-boo) and if it has any meaning.  It really doesn't have a specific meaning, but here's  where the name came from.

Once upon a time, (the late 1980's to be exact)  courtesy of Uncle Sam's  Misguided Children I  was happened to be on the island paradise of Okinawa for some fun in the sun. The island is home to a poisonous snake called a Habu. I always liked the name. It sounded cool.


Shared on Sat, 03/13/2010 - 12:46

First Clan Night

I had my first clan night last night and I have to say the experinece was a really enjoyable change of pace. First of all, I would like to thank the rest of the PCPers who were there  for making it fun and not a "you suck!" fest.  I still haven't hit level 70 yet,  but even playing with 10th prestige  players, I didn't get the impression I was just there to be meat for the grinder or a K/ D ratio booster fo some ten year old Stabby McStabberson. 

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