DarthClem's blog


Shared on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 19:57

Another one bites the dust

It would appear that my 360 has crapped out again. This is my third one. Over the course of 30 minutes it:


Shared on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 19:57

Another one bites the dust

It would appear that my 360 has crapped out again. This is my third one. Over the course of 30 minutes it:


Shared on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 09:01

What I've learned

This last three month period since I was laid off at the end of September has been interesting. It's put some things in perspective for me and given me a lot of clarity. The biggest thing I have found is that when the chips are down, you find out who your friends really are.


Shared on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 09:01

What I've learned

This last three month period since I was laid off at the end of September has been interesting. It's put some things in perspective for me and given me a lot of clarity. The biggest thing I have found is that when the chips are down, you find out who your friends really are.


Shared on Tue, 01/01/2008 - 14:37

20 by 40

In just over 10 weeks, I will turn 40.  My birthday, for those of you planning on sending me a gift (XBL points are always welcome), is March 17th.

Over the last 4 months, I've put on some weight and lost some muscle.  Between the stress of my last month at GE playing "Corporate Survivor", then the last 3 months of being unemployed and looking for a new job, I've probably sought refuge in food and alcohol too much. 


Shared on Tue, 01/01/2008 - 14:37

20 by 40

In just over 10 weeks, I will turn 40.  My birthday, for those of you planning on sending me a gift (XBL points are always welcome), is March 17th.

Over the last 4 months, I've put on some weight and lost some muscle.  Between the stress of my last month at GE playing "Corporate Survivor", then the last 3 months of being unemployed and looking for a new job, I've probably sought refuge in food and alcohol too much. 


Shared on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 15:31

Put this year to bed, on a good note

I have not enjoyed 2007. It is a year in which my grandmother died, two uncles died, my friend was murdered, my son broke his collar bone, my 360 died twice, my HD projector died three times, my dishwasher died, my clothes dryer died, I blew out my back and am just starting to quit having pain, I found out my wife had racked up about $25K in charge card debt (actually I found that out in November of 2006, but I've been feeling that pain all year), and I lost my job at GE after 11.5 years of service. There was other BS along the way, but that's the meat of it right there.


Shared on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 15:31

Put this year to bed, on a good note

I have not enjoyed 2007. It is a year in which my grandmother died, two uncles died, my friend was murdered, my son broke his collar bone, my 360 died twice, my HD projector died three times, my dishwasher died, my clothes dryer died, I blew out my back and am just starting to quit having pain, I found out my wife had racked up about $25K in charge card debt (actually I found that out in November of 2006, but I've been feeling that pain all year), and I lost my job at GE after 11.5 years of service. There was other BS along the way, but that's the meat of it right there.


Shared on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 14:10


I got an email yesterday from the HR person who has been coordinating the efforts around my interviews with Cooper Power.   In it, she said "I hope you had a wonderful holiday!  I will be in touch as soon as I am able to track down some hiring managers that are on vacation for the holidays."

I emailed back telling her that I would feel bad if she interrupted anyone's vacation on my account, to which she replied "thanks".


Shared on Fri, 12/28/2007 - 14:10


I got an email yesterday from the HR person who has been coordinating the efforts around my interviews with Cooper Power.   In it, she said "I hope you had a wonderful holiday!  I will be in touch as soon as I am able to track down some hiring managers that are on vacation for the holidays."

I emailed back telling her that I would feel bad if she interrupted anyone's vacation on my account, to which she replied "thanks".

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