Kwazy's blog


Shared on Tue, 04/01/2008 - 20:59

Month-o-Blogs, 1/30

For the past 364 days
I have been collecting the little circles.
You know the ones,
The ones from three-hole punches.
I have asked my coworkers to to the same
And with nary a question
they have complied
With somber brows
and fearful eyes they've poured
into my styrofoam coffee cup
their punch leavings.

This morn at 6:47 AM
the hated engineering supervisor
leaving a trail of slime
emerged from his office to attend the
Morning Production Meeting.


Shared on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 19:30

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Not if you watch that retarded fucking show.

Reality check.


Shared on Thu, 03/27/2008 - 19:30

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Not if you watch that retarded fucking show.

Reality check.


Shared on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 17:26

The verdict is in

OK, it's been over two months since The Troubles troubled my ipod.  Well, it happened again today.  Only this time it was while walking the Beast an on my 2nd Gen ipod shuffle (the previous occurrence it was the 5th gen ipod video).  Same two songs, same theme, same band nationality, and played back to back in the same order.

Odds of this happening not once, but twice:

2,500,000,000,000,000 : 1 against


Shared on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 17:26

The verdict is in

OK, it's been over two months since The Troubles troubled my ipod.  Well, it happened again today.  Only this time it was while walking the Beast an on my 2nd Gen ipod shuffle (the previous occurrence it was the 5th gen ipod video).  Same two songs, same theme, same band nationality, and played back to back in the same order.

Odds of this happening not once, but twice:

2,500,000,000,000,000 : 1 against


Shared on Thu, 03/20/2008 - 20:57

Two minutes of hate

RROD Baby!

Guess what else?  I've got a four day weekend.  I'm off tomorrow and Monday.

Guess what else?  The extended forecast is nothing but rain and snow.

Guess what else?  Mrs. Kwazy is away all next week on business, leaving my evenings completely free.

F*cking great.  Now I'm actually going to have to live my life instead of sitting in front of a 55" HDTV playing video games.

I was just about the only person I knew in Meatspace that didn't have my 360 fail.


Shared on Thu, 03/20/2008 - 20:57

Two minutes of hate

RROD Baby!

Guess what else?  I've got a four day weekend.  I'm off tomorrow and Monday.

Guess what else?  The extended forecast is nothing but rain and snow.

Guess what else?  Mrs. Kwazy is away all next week on business, leaving my evenings completely free.

F*cking great.  Now I'm actually going to have to live my life instead of sitting in front of a 55" HDTV playing video games.

I was just about the only person I knew in Meatspace that didn't have my 360 fail.


Shared on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 16:59

Random thoughts

A lap dance performed on an individual wearing button-fly jeans is erotic for neither the dancer nor the dancee.

There is nothing even remotely attractive about Kim Kardashian. My only hope is that she rolls over in her sleep and crushes Paris like a baby panda.

A marine who has no moral qualms about throwing a puppy off a cliff would likely have no moral qualms about raping a 13 year old girl after killing her father and brothers

I do, however, think most marines are likely decent people.


Shared on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 16:59

Random thoughts

A lap dance performed on an individual wearing button-fly jeans is erotic for neither the dancer nor the dancee.

There is nothing even remotely attractive about Kim Kardashian. My only hope is that she rolls over in her sleep and crushes Paris like a baby panda.

A marine who has no moral qualms about throwing a puppy off a cliff would likely have no moral qualms about raping a 13 year old girl after killing her father and brothers

I do, however, think most marines are likely decent people.


Shared on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 17:10

Chips ahoy!

I was driving back home yesterday, as I'm often prone to do after being out and about, when I bore witness to the sight below. It was in the median of US31, the major north/south road which bisects Indianapolis. I'm pretty sure of two things:

#1 This is probably the best picture my piece of shit cell phone has ever captured


#2 What the cell phone seems to have captured is approximately 2.5 cubic feet of restaurant-grade taco chips.

No further attempt at explanation will be made.

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