pearly_54's blog


Shared on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 18:02

Daniel my brother......

Here I sit, totally addicted.  Yes, my name is Penni and I am addicted to my laptop.  My brother is across the room from me, watching TV.  And I am here, with my laptop, blogging.  We went on a nice hike on one of our may trails this afternoon.  Both of us were moaning a little about not having worn our hiking boots.  We took it easy, tho.  Bro was huffing a little on the uphill parts.  Poor guy.  He had glaucoma in one eye and is blind on the one side, but is very, very functional.  He's still working, reads some, and does whatever he wants.  But.


Shared on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 16:32

do I really need a title?

My brother is coming to see me tonight!  I have to be at the airport to pick him up at (yuk) 10:30.  We will likely crash shortly after we get home.  We are both early sorta people.  What to do tomorrow?  Heck, I dunno.  We have a lot of catching up to do.  Pics to take.  I think we will just hang out.  That would be good.  He flies back out Sunday.  Short visit, but we will make the most of it.


Shared on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 16:32

do I really need a title?

My brother is coming to see me tonight!  I have to be at the airport to pick him up at (yuk) 10:30.  We will likely crash shortly after we get home.  We are both early sorta people.  What to do tomorrow?  Heck, I dunno.  We have a lot of catching up to do.  Pics to take.  I think we will just hang out.  That would be good.  He flies back out Sunday.  Short visit, but we will make the most of it.


Shared on Thu, 01/10/2008 - 17:54

I wanna......

We all have bad days, right?  And, sometimes we don't even know why it's bad?  I had an ok day at work today.  Steady, not that busy.  I got out on time.  The weather has turned colder and rainy.  The bus was only 3 minutes late.  So, what could be so bad?  Dunno......


Shared on Thu, 01/10/2008 - 17:54

I wanna......

We all have bad days, right?  And, sometimes we don't even know why it's bad?  I had an ok day at work today.  Steady, not that busy.  I got out on time.  The weather has turned colder and rainy.  The bus was only 3 minutes late.  So, what could be so bad?  Dunno......


Shared on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 09:52

On my way to other things.....

I am not just an xbox gamer or a magic online player. I like a lot of games. Currently, I am trying to spread myself between various xbox stuff, Bioshock, H3, and whatever, and Magic with my buds. But, I must say, I am a bit addicted to WoW. (Note to Bill.....yes, I duck and run, and I like it!). I'm working diligently on my epic mount, and trying to get to 70. I am within a day of 67 now.... So, while WoW is down for weekly maintenance, I went in search of some other entertainment on this rare Tuesday off of work. And found this!


Shared on Tue, 01/08/2008 - 09:52

On my way to other things.....

I am not just an xbox gamer or a magic online player. I like a lot of games. Currently, I am trying to spread myself between various xbox stuff, Bioshock, H3, and whatever, and Magic with my buds. But, I must say, I am a bit addicted to WoW. (Note to Bill.....yes, I duck and run, and I like it!). I'm working diligently on my epic mount, and trying to get to 70. I am within a day of 67 now.... So, while WoW is down for weekly maintenance, I went in search of some other entertainment on this rare Tuesday off of work. And found this!


Shared on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 16:42

had my breast sandwich today

Went and had my 6 month mammogram today.  I didn't want to, had to.  I waited a whole hour before they even called me.  Blah!  They just wanted to recheck the offending side.  Well, it went ok.  I'm sorta getting used to "baring it".  And the cold machine.  She just told me I was done and I could get dressed and go home.  Great!  I walk in the door and I have a message on the machine.  What?  This is like de ja vu!  Whew!  False alarm.....  Just something about picking up the lawn mower from the shop.  Then, I wasn't home 5 minutes and the phone rang!  No!  I wasn't going to answer it, but....


Shared on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 16:42

had my breast sandwich today

Went and had my 6 month mammogram today.  I didn't want to, had to.  I waited a whole hour before they even called me.  Blah!  They just wanted to recheck the offending side.  Well, it went ok.  I'm sorta getting used to "baring it".  And the cold machine.  She just told me I was done and I could get dressed and go home.  Great!  I walk in the door and I have a message on the machine.  What?  This is like de ja vu!  Whew!  False alarm.....  Just something about picking up the lawn mower from the shop.  Then, I wasn't home 5 minutes and the phone rang!  No!  I wasn't going to answer it, but....


Shared on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 18:53

Not for the Faint of Heart

They claim this really, really happened. 


OK all you medics......Top this one  




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