pearly_54's blog


Shared on Sat, 12/01/2007 - 06:52


OMG! It's December!  I wonder when that happened.....  This time last year I was talking about being dusty and hoping to get a great Christmas present that would make me "undusty".  Well........still hoping for that!  But, the truth is, I have added creaky to the list, and I doubt I can be "uncreakied".  Time marches on whether we like it or not.


Shared on Thu, 11/29/2007 - 16:27

Taking a short break

I just spent 3 hours being pampered.  I went in for a haircut, and, just decided to stay for a while!  Didn't have to work today, soooooo, I needed a break from LAN planning and work and whatever.  There are so many things on my mind, being pampered was just what I needed!  The stuff is all still on my mind, but my hair looks good!  LOL  Next thing I will do for myself is get a massage.  I'm thinking about what I want for Christmas.  Hmmm, same as last year.  I may have to settle for that massage, tho.  Tooooo bad.


Shared on Thu, 11/29/2007 - 16:27

Taking a short break

I just spent 3 hours being pampered.  I went in for a haircut, and, just decided to stay for a while!  Didn't have to work today, soooooo, I needed a break from LAN planning and work and whatever.  There are so many things on my mind, being pampered was just what I needed!  The stuff is all still on my mind, but my hair looks good!  LOL  Next thing I will do for myself is get a massage.  I'm thinking about what I want for Christmas.  Hmmm, same as last year.  I may have to settle for that massage, tho.  Tooooo bad.


Shared on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 18:21

More Things About Lan Planning

More things I have learned while LAN planning:

1.  Use the hotel finding 'whatever they are called' services to get bids on various hotels.  Then talk to the sales manager directly and see if they will give you a better price than the bid.  That is how I found out that, even tho the service is free for us, the hotel pays a commission.  I got a greatly reduced price on our rooms because I dropped the "service".

2.  Guys don't think like gals. 

3.  Pizza and beer is better than a buffet meal.....


Shared on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 18:21

More Things About Lan Planning

More things I have learned while LAN planning:

1.  Use the hotel finding 'whatever they are called' services to get bids on various hotels.  Then talk to the sales manager directly and see if they will give you a better price than the bid.  That is how I found out that, even tho the service is free for us, the hotel pays a commission.  I got a greatly reduced price on our rooms because I dropped the "service".

2.  Guys don't think like gals. 

3.  Pizza and beer is better than a buffet meal.....


Shared on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 17:43

My brother

My brother just called me.  He's coming for a visit in January!  It's about time!  I have been back to Michigan numerous times, and they have been here exactly once!  Well, his wife is gonna be off doing something with one of her sons, so he decided to come spend a weekend with me.  WooHoo!  My family is so spread out that we really don't visit very much.  Especially since our parents are gone.  But, he's coming and we will have a blast!  He's my bud!  We are like two peas in a pod.  We used to look a lot alike, but I don't think we do any more.  I have hair and he doesn't! 


Shared on Tue, 11/27/2007 - 17:43

My brother

My brother just called me.  He's coming for a visit in January!  It's about time!  I have been back to Michigan numerous times, and they have been here exactly once!  Well, his wife is gonna be off doing something with one of her sons, so he decided to come spend a weekend with me.  WooHoo!  My family is so spread out that we really don't visit very much.  Especially since our parents are gone.  But, he's coming and we will have a blast!  He's my bud!  We are like two peas in a pod.  We used to look a lot alike, but I don't think we do any more.  I have hair and he doesn't! 


Shared on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 07:19


Here we are again.  I am subject to SAD, seasonal affective disorder.  When the days get short, and I go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark, I get sad.  I also am not all that enthusiastic about Christmas, Bah Humbug!  Well, I'm not that bad....  But I hate the way Christmas has become so commercialized.  Yeh, I know, doesn't everybody?  But we are the very ones that have caused it to become so.  Thanksgiving is over and now what I have to think about is what I will buy the grandbabies that will delight and enthrall them.  All they want in this world is more video games, better con


Shared on Mon, 11/26/2007 - 07:19


Here we are again.  I am subject to SAD, seasonal affective disorder.  When the days get short, and I go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark, I get sad.  I also am not all that enthusiastic about Christmas, Bah Humbug!  Well, I'm not that bad....  But I hate the way Christmas has become so commercialized.  Yeh, I know, doesn't everybody?  But we are the very ones that have caused it to become so.  Thanksgiving is over and now what I have to think about is what I will buy the grandbabies that will delight and enthrall them.  All they want in this world is more video games, better con


Shared on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 06:18

Sleepless in Chapel Hill

And now another compelling chapter in the continuing saga of *drum roll*.......Sleepless in Chapel Hill!

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