pearly_54's blog


Shared on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 17:08

Pics from my Road Trip

I have just spent a good part of the day going thru my pics and selecting the following.  Not an easy thing cuz I wanted to show all of them.  Sooooo

First stop, Knoxville, TN.  Parottthead and his goddaughter.  This was loooong before the party.

Parottthead explaining how to play the silly card game.  Fun!


Shared on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 17:13

made it home

Just a quick note to let y'all know I made it home ok. Still the same place! Hubby is still mowing the lawn. He did acknowledge that I was here, however. Sorta. I am currently playing with my new laptop that I haven't seen until now. It arrived the day I left. It keeps interrupting me to install something. And all I wanted to do was blog this little bit. So, pics later. What fun I had!


Shared on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 17:13

made it home

Just a quick note to let y'all know I made it home ok. Still the same place! Hubby is still mowing the lawn. He did acknowledge that I was here, however. Sorta. I am currently playing with my new laptop that I haven't seen until now. It arrived the day I left. It keeps interrupting me to install something. And all I wanted to do was blog this little bit. So, pics later. What fun I had!


Shared on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 08:24

really going home today

Yikes!  Traffic, distance, time, and some other stuff, and I didn't get home yesterday.  I got to Curvy/bunky much later than I thought I would, so I decided to stay.  It continues to amaze me how people are in real life compared to online.  I don't know what I expect.  I guess evil killers that wear armor and carry shotguns....  Well, they are only that for a few hours at a time!  This was a nice little family....gamer husband (yay), sorta gamer 10 year old daughter, and 2 lovely german shepherds.  Spelling?  Doesn't look right.  Oh well.  I showed her how to play Magic, and she s


Shared on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 08:24

really going home today

Yikes!  Traffic, distance, time, and some other stuff, and I didn't get home yesterday.  I got to Curvy/bunky much later than I thought I would, so I decided to stay.  It continues to amaze me how people are in real life compared to online.  I don't know what I expect.  I guess evil killers that wear armor and carry shotguns....  Well, they are only that for a few hours at a time!  This was a nice little family....gamer husband (yay), sorta gamer 10 year old daughter, and 2 lovely german shepherds.  Spelling?  Doesn't look right.  Oh well.  I showed her how to play Magic, and she s


Shared on Sat, 05/03/2008 - 08:22

winding down

This is my last day of my adventure.  I just checked my email and it is on for Curvy!  Um, bunky to y'all.  I am in Middletown, Delaware.  Why?  dunno.  Had to stop somewhere.  They have beds, internet, and "complimentary" breakfast.  Enuf for me.  Last night I still didn't have my voice back.  Not entirely, anyways.  Now I have a cough that almost feels like bronchitis, but very mild.  And a swollen lymph node that I would gladly carve out of there cuz it hurts a lot.  I guess carving wouldn't feel too good, either.  I think I am finally getting travel weary.  After yesterday, anybody woul


Shared on Sat, 05/03/2008 - 08:22

winding down

This is my last day of my adventure.  I just checked my email and it is on for Curvy!  Um, bunky to y'all.  I am in Middletown, Delaware.  Why?  dunno.  Had to stop somewhere.  They have beds, internet, and "complimentary" breakfast.  Enuf for me.  Last night I still didn't have my voice back.  Not entirely, anyways.  Now I have a cough that almost feels like bronchitis, but very mild.  And a swollen lymph node that I would gladly carve out of there cuz it hurts a lot.  I guess carving wouldn't feel too good, either.  I think I am finally getting travel weary.  After yesterday, anybody woul


Shared on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 07:45

Southward Bound

I actually think I have voice today!  But, a day of voice rest would prolly be good, so I will just not test it too much.  I still squeak a bit.  I am making my turn south in just a little bit.  I am not wanting to get going this morning.  Bah!  Getting back into the states means my adventure will soon be over.  Spoke with hubby yesterday, and he told me he saw where this was going.  Next trip, Texas, Oklahoma, and other parts unknown.  hmmm.  Not a bad idea.  I luv Canada, tho.  Well, not Canada so much as Canadians!  Everyone has been just wonderful!  I will get on the road soon.  After I fi


Shared on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 07:45

Southward Bound

I actually think I have voice today!  But, a day of voice rest would prolly be good, so I will just not test it too much.  I still squeak a bit.  I am making my turn south in just a little bit.  I am not wanting to get going this morning.  Bah!  Getting back into the states means my adventure will soon be over.  Spoke with hubby yesterday, and he told me he saw where this was going.  Next trip, Texas, Oklahoma, and other parts unknown.  hmmm.  Not a bad idea.  I luv Canada, tho.  Well, not Canada so much as Canadians!  Everyone has been just wonderful!  I will get on the road soon.  After I fi


Shared on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 17:36

Old is cool....

A strong young man at a construction site was bragging that he could out do anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen.

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