KuruptU4Fun's blog


Shared on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 20:38

Well gotta blog..

Kitten and I haven't been well (relationship wise) over the holiday's. We've been doing better, learning a little here and a little there.But I digress for a moment, to tell you about our thanksgiving. I made an AWESOME turkey, delectable and moist and tasty, my mom calls to ask me if my uncle was at their house. Because they were going to a sisters for the holiday. I looked outside and didn't see him, thought nothing of it. We went to my dad's for thanksgiving and my son feels sick, so we went home early.


Shared on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 17:51

Just a little horror for your day....

Found this while watching new CoD4 videos... Be Scared, be very Scared..



Shared on Mon, 10/22/2007 - 17:51

Just a little horror for your day....

Found this while watching new CoD4 videos... Be Scared, be very Scared..



Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 08:01

Ok, I was in line last night...

THis had to be the best line I've ever stood in. Went to H2, and there was some sodas, no big whoop. But this line LAST NIGHT was the bomb. There were wings and Pizza and there was an amature stripper pole set up in the bed of someones truck. Cute chick on it, Had Kitten been there, I bet I coulda' convinced her to get on it. But finally at midnight the line gets moving, the croud was buzzing, I picked up 3 games for my PS3! STUNTMAN IGNITION / HEAVENLY SWORD / and DiRT!!!! YEAH BABY!!!!


Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 08:01

Ok, I was in line last night...

THis had to be the best line I've ever stood in. Went to H2, and there was some sodas, no big whoop. But this line LAST NIGHT was the bomb. There were wings and Pizza and there was an amature stripper pole set up in the bed of someones truck. Cute chick on it, Had Kitten been there, I bet I coulda' convinced her to get on it. But finally at midnight the line gets moving, the croud was buzzing, I picked up 3 games for my PS3! STUNTMAN IGNITION / HEAVENLY SWORD / and DiRT!!!! YEAH BABY!!!!


Shared on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 13:07

a transfer from myspace.com

I had a particular way of blogging on myspace. Since I don 't really visit there anymore, I thought I'd bring those blog stylings here.. lets hope it works.


I'm still looking for a job, thought I'd consult the tarot cards on what was going on.




This is what it says, expect something good, it's coming soon.....


Shared on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 13:07

a transfer from myspace.com

I had a particular way of blogging on myspace. Since I don 't really visit there anymore, I thought I'd bring those blog stylings here.. lets hope it works.


I'm still looking for a job, thought I'd consult the tarot cards on what was going on.




This is what it says, expect something good, it's coming soon.....


Shared on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:23

How Fucked up is that?????

Even though my wife will try and tell me that this dream is simply a way to try and get her off of my Xbox, it's not......


Went to bed the other night after taking my Valerian Root and Melatonin, and had the scariest nightmare I have ever had. Ironically, no one was killed or dismembered, no one in my family was kidnapped. It involved a courtroom, divorce proceedings, and the custody of..........





..........My Xbox.



Shared on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:23

How Fucked up is that?????

Even though my wife will try and tell me that this dream is simply a way to try and get her off of my Xbox, it's not......


Went to bed the other night after taking my Valerian Root and Melatonin, and had the scariest nightmare I have ever had. Ironically, no one was killed or dismembered, no one in my family was kidnapped. It involved a courtroom, divorce proceedings, and the custody of..........





..........My Xbox.


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