KuruptU4Fun's blog


Shared on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 16:09

What happens when gamers make life decisions...

You know, planning with your loved one about your future can be a many splendored thing. Fairy and I were talking about the distant future. Making varied comments about people whom have a tendency to take things way too far when it comes to things. Like the people whom get married on line with WoW or Everquest. For the die hard Cubs fan who can be buried in a replica of the Wrigley Field center field back wall. People whom do Cos-play can fall into that, but I'll leave them alone.


Shared on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 13:21

In order to say goodbye...

What does it really take to say goodbye? Are they just words to put in your mouth and say to end a situation or a relationship? Or do you put thought and feeling into it, weigh the outcomes and finally realize that is what must be done? Ask yourself that for a moment, look at the opportunities you've had to say goodbye at. Which one are you, one to say goodbye at the beginning and then sort out the emotions and thought after all is said and done? Or do you start that process before, knowing that goodbye is something you may come to, weigh out the truth and consequences before hand?


Shared on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 13:21

In order to say goodbye...

What does it really take to say goodbye? Are they just words to put in your mouth and say to end a situation or a relationship? Or do you put thought and feeling into it, weigh the outcomes and finally realize that is what must be done? Ask yourself that for a moment, look at the opportunities you've had to say goodbye at. Which one are you, one to say goodbye at the beginning and then sort out the emotions and thought after all is said and done? Or do you start that process before, knowing that goodbye is something you may come to, weigh out the truth and consequences before hand?


Shared on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 08:10

So here I lie in bed, thinking of the day part 2

 Well, I am simply waiting for my divorce to be finalized, I'm now working at home. And let me tell you the commute from my bed to my office desk is a bitch..LOL. But things are weird in my head, I don't know where to go from here. The kids are in school, my daughter and my family and friends are really supportive and yet I feel like I've just UN accomplished so much. Letting the stress and emotions of 10 years with of commitment is finally starting to sink in. All of the things that can be seen and planned and prepared for are the easy part. The routine I'm creating is easy.


Shared on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 08:10

So here I lie in bed, thinking of the day part 2

 Well, I am simply waiting for my divorce to be finalized, I'm now working at home. And let me tell you the commute from my bed to my office desk is a bitch..LOL. But things are weird in my head, I don't know where to go from here. The kids are in school, my daughter and my family and friends are really supportive and yet I feel like I've just UN accomplished so much. Letting the stress and emotions of 10 years with of commitment is finally starting to sink in. All of the things that can be seen and planned and prepared for are the easy part. The routine I'm creating is easy.


Shared on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 07:11

So here I lie in bed, thinking of the day.

I have court proceedings for temporary orders of my divorce from Heather. Which comes as such a release and such a burden that I simply cannot think. Heather seems amicable to the terms of the divorce. I expect her to be there, most likely without a lawyer, but I'm not trying to screw her over. Just the basics on my behalf (primary custody), the rest you know what I'm trying to get in the divorce, that is if you've been divorced with children involved. If you haven't, I do hope you never have to go thru it.


Shared on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 07:11

So here I lie in bed, thinking of the day.

I have court proceedings for temporary orders of my divorce from Heather. Which comes as such a release and such a burden that I simply cannot think. Heather seems amicable to the terms of the divorce. I expect her to be there, most likely without a lawyer, but I'm not trying to screw her over. Just the basics on my behalf (primary custody), the rest you know what I'm trying to get in the divorce, that is if you've been divorced with children involved. If you haven't, I do hope you never have to go thru it.


Shared on Sun, 07/20/2008 - 09:55

JUst one more step

  Sometimes there's that thing in your life that changes, and you search for something to summarize how you feel at that moment. Whether it be a song or a quote or a movie. Something that you can think about and it brings you strength. I've found a couple for this time in my life. The quote I have found is this: Acta non Verba, most of you will remember it from Battlefield Bad Company. Actions not Words, really applicable for the times I have faced recently. I don't have time to talk bullshit, simply get things done because they have to be done.

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