KuruptU4Fun's blog


Shared on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 06:49

And so it passes....

Many realizations come to you around the time of your birthday. A week ago I attended a concert where my buddies' band was playing. THey are a metal band, so I was inclined to headbang like I was 20, and jump into a mosh pit. That was a mistake on both parts, I got my ankle stepped on and was walking with a limp for a couple days. My neck still hurts and I have trouble moving it from left to right and back. I'm not really a person who complains when I don't feel good, I dislike sympathy for some reason.


Shared on Mon, 05/07/2007 - 06:49

And so it passes....

Many realizations come to you around the time of your birthday. A week ago I attended a concert where my buddies' band was playing. THey are a metal band, so I was inclined to headbang like I was 20, and jump into a mosh pit. That was a mistake on both parts, I got my ankle stepped on and was walking with a limp for a couple days. My neck still hurts and I have trouble moving it from left to right and back. I'm not really a person who complains when I don't feel good, I dislike sympathy for some reason.


Shared on Mon, 04/30/2007 - 14:51

Site looks GREEAAAATT!!!!

Congrats Doodi, it looks cool!!!!


Shared on Mon, 04/30/2007 - 14:51

Site looks GREEAAAATT!!!!

Congrats Doodi, it looks cool!!!!


Shared on Sun, 04/01/2007 - 16:19

Simply an Idea....

Personally, I think Chris Rock (as Rufus in Dogma) said it best whan talking about religion:

"It's better to have an idea about God, you can change an idea, it's a much harder thing to change a belief."

Yes I am aware that was a small segment from a conversation. Yes I am aware that it's a conversation that happened in a movie called "Dogma".

Yes I am aware that it was a comedy and should be taken as such. But it's still a valid statement, while we're on the subject of statements, let me say this.


Shared on Sun, 04/01/2007 - 16:19

Simply an Idea....

Personally, I think Chris Rock (as Rufus in Dogma) said it best whan talking about religion:

"It's better to have an idea about God, you can change an idea, it's a much harder thing to change a belief."

Yes I am aware that was a small segment from a conversation. Yes I am aware that it's a conversation that happened in a movie called "Dogma".

Yes I am aware that it was a comedy and should be taken as such. But it's still a valid statement, while we're on the subject of statements, let me say this.


Shared on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 09:33

It's a big long story

OK, this blog comes with a lot of drama from my family. I do my best to be impervious to drama, but my wife sucks it in like a dried out sponge that you stick under the faucet. So I get sucked in too, I am not a man who has a real connection to my family. My mom and I maintain a distance from one another, my father, whos a deacon for the catholic church, used to say :"God bless you," more than he'd say:" I love you." to me. My real mom and dad were divorced when I was young, when they met someone new, it was too late to form relationships with them.


Shared on Sun, 03/25/2007 - 09:33

It's a big long story

OK, this blog comes with a lot of drama from my family. I do my best to be impervious to drama, but my wife sucks it in like a dried out sponge that you stick under the faucet. So I get sucked in too, I am not a man who has a real connection to my family. My mom and I maintain a distance from one another, my father, whos a deacon for the catholic church, used to say :"God bless you," more than he'd say:" I love you." to me. My real mom and dad were divorced when I was young, when they met someone new, it was too late to form relationships with them.


Shared on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 12:17

I get to meet some Tactics buddies...

Today, MrDrisk and myself (If I can get a hold of him, Lord Bling as well) will be meeting up and having a little fun. I am so looking forward to this (that just sounded like a valley girl) Drisk and I will be watching 300 while I down an Octoberfest sized beer and maybe eating some fried pickles.... Then Lord Bling should be meeting up with us and having a few drinks after the movie. Wow, meeting fellow clan mates, is it this exciting for everyone? I'm gonna have to try and make a Chicago Lan one day. I mean my hometown of Woodstock, Ill.


Shared on Wed, 03/21/2007 - 12:17

I get to meet some Tactics buddies...

Today, MrDrisk and myself (If I can get a hold of him, Lord Bling as well) will be meeting up and having a little fun. I am so looking forward to this (that just sounded like a valley girl) Drisk and I will be watching 300 while I down an Octoberfest sized beer and maybe eating some fried pickles.... Then Lord Bling should be meeting up with us and having a few drinks after the movie. Wow, meeting fellow clan mates, is it this exciting for everyone? I'm gonna have to try and make a Chicago Lan one day. I mean my hometown of Woodstock, Ill.

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