KuruptU4Fun's blog


Shared on Sun, 07/20/2008 - 09:55

JUst one more step

  Sometimes there's that thing in your life that changes, and you search for something to summarize how you feel at that moment. Whether it be a song or a quote or a movie. Something that you can think about and it brings you strength. I've found a couple for this time in my life. The quote I have found is this: Acta non Verba, most of you will remember it from Battlefield Bad Company. Actions not Words, really applicable for the times I have faced recently. I don't have time to talk bullshit, simply get things done because they have to be done.


Shared on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 08:06

I've gone and done it...

 Well, It took me a little while, some fancy footwork and simply asking for some help from the Salvation Army. But I did it, no longer am I in back debt with the really important people. Companies aren't threatening to turn my shit off or kick me out, and the house is clean!!! No dog crap and cigarette smoke smells, but the manly smell of my stinky feet is now present. Wonder how I'll get rid of that??? I may just start a home improvement project within the next week. Maybe paint my bedroom and bathroom walls, something to accent the oriental feel of my bedroom.


Shared on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 08:06

I've gone and done it...

 Well, It took me a little while, some fancy footwork and simply asking for some help from the Salvation Army. But I did it, no longer am I in back debt with the really important people. Companies aren't threatening to turn my shit off or kick me out, and the house is clean!!! No dog crap and cigarette smoke smells, but the manly smell of my stinky feet is now present. Wonder how I'll get rid of that??? I may just start a home improvement project within the next week. Maybe paint my bedroom and bathroom walls, something to accent the oriental feel of my bedroom.


Shared on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 20:08

Not sure what to put here...

 Have you ever been forced to face a situation you know would happen, but didn't know how it would exactly it would confront you? Have you tried to ignore every indication that it was coming before the proof was overwhelming? Did you realize that when it finally happened and the proof was irrefutable you didn't know how to handle it? Did you overreact when it did? Did you then question everything that happened before and how you responded to it? Are you utterly confused by the unspecific emotional roller-coaster I'm vaguely referring to?


Shared on Tue, 07/08/2008 - 20:08

Not sure what to put here...

 Have you ever been forced to face a situation you know would happen, but didn't know how it would exactly it would confront you? Have you tried to ignore every indication that it was coming before the proof was overwhelming? Did you realize that when it finally happened and the proof was irrefutable you didn't know how to handle it? Did you overreact when it did? Did you then question everything that happened before and how you responded to it? Are you utterly confused by the unspecific emotional roller-coaster I'm vaguely referring to?


Shared on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 13:01

My impressions of the Battlefield Bad Compay Beta..



















.Been sitting for the game to find me a quickmatch for 10 minutes now....


Shared on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 13:01

My impressions of the Battlefield Bad Compay Beta..



















.Been sitting for the game to find me a quickmatch for 10 minutes now....


Shared on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 09:36

Happy Birthday Fairy...

Just because I wana see if ClaNarchy members can fill the Blog bar with wishes for your happy birthday and hopes that you feel better soon...

Happy Birthday Fairy!!!!!!!


Shared on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 09:36

Happy Birthday Fairy...

Just because I wana see if ClaNarchy members can fill the Blog bar with wishes for your happy birthday and hopes that you feel better soon...

Happy Birthday Fairy!!!!!!!


Shared on Sun, 11/25/2007 - 20:38

Well gotta blog..

Kitten and I haven't been well (relationship wise) over the holiday's. We've been doing better, learning a little here and a little there.But I digress for a moment, to tell you about our thanksgiving. I made an AWESOME turkey, delectable and moist and tasty, my mom calls to ask me if my uncle was at their house. Because they were going to a sisters for the holiday. I looked outside and didn't see him, thought nothing of it. We went to my dad's for thanksgiving and my son feels sick, so we went home early.

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