cmoth's blog


Shared on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 01:33

The Bill of Rights



Shared on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 10:40

The Declaration of Independence

This is a continuation of my discourse on what makes the United States of America different and will lead into why I personally believe that we are discontented with our present system as it has developed with our assistance and apathy.


Shared on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 10:40

The Declaration of Independence

This is a continuation of my discourse on what makes the United States of America different and will lead into why I personally believe that we are discontented with our present system as it has developed with our assistance and apathy.


Shared on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 05:38

Why is the United States so different from the rest of the World?

This is another blog entry initiated by a thread response. I am notoriously long-winded and I apologise but, i don't intend to change. There are topics that require a lengthy explaination for their to be any real discussion.

Out of consideration for the casual poster who doesn't want to by pig-piled by one of my lengthy replies, I have decided to start blogging my response instead of chewing up space in the original thread.


Shared on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 05:38

Why is the United States so different from the rest of the World?

This is another blog entry initiated by a thread response. I am notoriously long-winded and I apologise but, i don't intend to change. There are topics that require a lengthy explaination for their to be any real discussion.

Out of consideration for the casual poster who doesn't want to by pig-piled by one of my lengthy replies, I have decided to start blogging my response instead of chewing up space in the original thread.


Shared on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 23:21

Guns,.... Again.

A thread in off-topic got this one started.

What the term militia stood for in the Bill of Rights was only turned into a debate in the recent past. The Supreme Court had always backed the individual right up and until the late 1920's (remember Prohibition and what THAT caused).

In fact the supreme court routinely denied ANY legislation that restricted what kinds of firearms a private citizen could own due to the language of the 2nd Amendment. It wasn't until revisionists started to reinterpret the meaning that it became clouded.


Shared on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 23:21

Guns,.... Again.

A thread in off-topic got this one started.

What the term militia stood for in the Bill of Rights was only turned into a debate in the recent past. The Supreme Court had always backed the individual right up and until the late 1920's (remember Prohibition and what THAT caused).

In fact the supreme court routinely denied ANY legislation that restricted what kinds of firearms a private citizen could own due to the language of the 2nd Amendment. It wasn't until revisionists started to reinterpret the meaning that it became clouded.


Shared on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 10:08

Fucked up...

First off, if you are sensitive or squeamish, please, don't read this. I'm serious.




Seriously... I'm not kidding. This is about a suicide call I went on.



You were warned.



I had a truly fucked up call yesterday. We responded to a call of a gunshot wound. Reported as self-inflicted. It's not the first call like this I've been on in near 15 years as a cop but this is one of those that stuck with me and is kind of fuckin' with my head some.


Shared on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 10:08

Fucked up...

First off, if you are sensitive or squeamish, please, don't read this. I'm serious.




Seriously... I'm not kidding. This is about a suicide call I went on.



You were warned.



I had a truly fucked up call yesterday. We responded to a call of a gunshot wound. Reported as self-inflicted. It's not the first call like this I've been on in near 15 years as a cop but this is one of those that stuck with me and is kind of fuckin' with my head some.


Shared on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 12:34

I am a Tangent...

... Okay, so maybe I'm not physically a tangent but my mind operates on them. For example:

I was watching several installments on Youtube of the Phill DeFranco Show, it's basically a video blog by a guy named, ironically enough, Phill DeFranco. If you haven't checked him out I highly recommend it. It's worthy not because I agree with his opinions most of the time, there are some I don't, however he succesfully uses satire and humor to explain his logical positions on topical events, something that I obviously would give kudos for.

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