cmoth's blog


Shared on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 13:25

"The lesser of two..."

It should come as no surprise to the few who have read my entries that I am a conservative. Not a "right-wing" conservative, more like a Reagan Democrat with a side-arm.

I do believe that the business of America is Business, just not at the total expense of the working class. It's a fine line to walk but the only one that I'm comfortable with. In the end when I'm chosing a Presidential Candidate to cast my vote for I'm looking at one major issue.

"How is this person going to effect the Constitution's health and vitality in the long run?"


Shared on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 20:20

What constitutes "Deserve"?

I was playing COD4 Sunday afternoon up to the opening kick-off of the Super-Bowl. While in the game one of our team-mates asked, "Whose watching the Super-Bowl"? That's kind of like asking a room full of guys, "Alright, who pees standing up"?

Nobody (If their male or even a female with class) is going to answer no to that. You might not watch the game and you may sit down to pee but you certainly aren't going to cop to it. A few people made comments on how boring the game would be. Apparently most believed the Patriot's victory to be a foregone conclusion.


Shared on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 20:20

What constitutes "Deserve"?

I was playing COD4 Sunday afternoon up to the opening kick-off of the Super-Bowl. While in the game one of our team-mates asked, "Whose watching the Super-Bowl"? That's kind of like asking a room full of guys, "Alright, who pees standing up"?

Nobody (If their male or even a female with class) is going to answer no to that. You might not watch the game and you may sit down to pee but you certainly aren't going to cop to it. A few people made comments on how boring the game would be. Apparently most believed the Patriot's victory to be a foregone conclusion.


Shared on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 09:28

Vengeance visited upon a Timmie...

... ever had some little douchebag rant and rave and challenge you "1v1"? I'm sure everbody on this board has gotten pissed at the Timmie in the group that wouldn't shut up or thought so highly of their online combat "skilz" that they must fancy themsleves a green-beret or something.

Well, last night I had the opportunity to visit some reality upon a representative of the most acursed age range.


Shared on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 09:28

Vengeance visited upon a Timmie...

... ever had some little douchebag rant and rave and challenge you "1v1"? I'm sure everbody on this board has gotten pissed at the Timmie in the group that wouldn't shut up or thought so highly of their online combat "skilz" that they must fancy themsleves a green-beret or something.

Well, last night I had the opportunity to visit some reality upon a representative of the most acursed age range.


Shared on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 11:48

Yet another rant....

I know, I just vented yesterday so i should be good for a while right? Wrong! Not when there are injustices in the world and wrongs to be righted or at least exposed for the entertainment of others.

The last issue was a little heavy. This one, not so much. This one concerns one of my least favorite eateries in the entire known universe, McDonalds.


Shared on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 11:48

Yet another rant....

I know, I just vented yesterday so i should be good for a while right? Wrong! Not when there are injustices in the world and wrongs to be righted or at least exposed for the entertainment of others.

The last issue was a little heavy. This one, not so much. This one concerns one of my least favorite eateries in the entire known universe, McDonalds.


Shared on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 21:40

I have said this before......

... and I will most definitely say it again, People fucking SUCK!!!


Shared on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 21:40

I have said this before......

... and I will most definitely say it again, People fucking SUCK!!!


Shared on Mon, 01/21/2008 - 10:01

Tiger - 1, Dumbasses - 0

I'm of course referring to the San Francisco Zoo incident resulting in the death of one and the serious maulling of two others. Like many, my first thought was "What the Fuck?" Then, as Paul Harvey says, "The rest of the story" started to trickle out.

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