COULOW's blog


Shared on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 19:24

Labor Relations and EEOE

I know. Double blog.  But this is my vent space.  So deal.

I finally received some info back from the Director.  He emailed saying either Thursday or Friday is good.  Right.  Too late.

It was 9am.  I headed off to Human Resources.  I met with the Labor Director.  I told him everything.  The statement made, how I applied 3x's.  The verbal warning.  I dropped names, I glorified my Director as a Saint and remarked..."I feel I'm being sabotaged" and that the Supervisor had been avoiding me until the verbal warning arose.


Shared on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 09:44

Still Fighting the battles, eh?

SO, haven't heard much whether big boss Director talked to my Gender Discriminating Supervisor or not.  What I do know is, I called Human Resources on Friday, and found that he did not put me in as an applicant for the night shift position.  He just posted it to the outside world immediately.

Took care of that. Pfft.

Called the Director Friday. Left a message that I need to speak with him.


Shared on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 09:44

Still Fighting the battles, eh?

SO, haven't heard much whether big boss Director talked to my Gender Discriminating Supervisor or not.  What I do know is, I called Human Resources on Friday, and found that he did not put me in as an applicant for the night shift position.  He just posted it to the outside world immediately.

Took care of that. Pfft.

Called the Director Friday. Left a message that I need to speak with him.


Shared on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 19:57

Gender Discrimination 2009...seriously?

The Evening Tech moved to Days.  The Weekend Tech moved to Evenings.  The Night Tech moved to Weekends.

I waltzed in the CT/MRI Supervior's office to voice my application to the 11-7 Sunday - Thursday night shift position.  I was asked..."How does your spouse feel about this?  You'll be spending less time with him....What about kids?"

I am the only full time CT Technologist that is in menstration age.  Keep this in mind please.



Shared on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 19:57

Gender Discrimination 2009...seriously?

The Evening Tech moved to Days.  The Weekend Tech moved to Evenings.  The Night Tech moved to Weekends.

I waltzed in the CT/MRI Supervior's office to voice my application to the 11-7 Sunday - Thursday night shift position.  I was asked..."How does your spouse feel about this?  You'll be spending less time with him....What about kids?"

I am the only full time CT Technologist that is in menstration age.  Keep this in mind please.



Shared on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 09:53

Gaming News: Resident Evil 5 what I've learned

Resident Evil co-op IS way more fun when you have someone to chase chickens with.  Thank you Queenie.  That was fun!

Just chase a chicken around with the stun rod.  Good times ensue.  I promise.


OKAY.  My random timmies serve me well.  I have a small, quote SMALL selection of young 20's timmies (like 3) that are insanely awesome at some games.   My Zombie killer jumped in last night and divulged this info. (Call me the recruiter for 24 yr olds. Who do y'all think I play with when I'm online?  I play with timmies when no one is available)



Shared on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 09:53

Gaming News: Resident Evil 5 what I've learned

Resident Evil co-op IS way more fun when you have someone to chase chickens with.  Thank you Queenie.  That was fun!

Just chase a chicken around with the stun rod.  Good times ensue.  I promise.


OKAY.  My random timmies serve me well.  I have a small, quote SMALL selection of young 20's timmies (like 3) that are insanely awesome at some games.   My Zombie killer jumped in last night and divulged this info. (Call me the recruiter for 24 yr olds. Who do y'all think I play with when I'm online?  I play with timmies when no one is available)



Shared on Sun, 04/12/2009 - 10:43

In this time of Recession

I"ve been in the Healthcare industry for 15 years.  God, I feel old.  I hate it.  Yes, I'm helping people.  I have a secure job.  I just despise waking up everyday to perform my militant, structured job.

I enlisted a career counselor back in January, and after the Meyer's Brigg Testing, the personal interviews with myself, with my friends and family, and several other personality deep soul searching, I came to a conclusion, I should be in the fashion industry.


Shared on Sun, 04/12/2009 - 10:43

In this time of Recession

I"ve been in the Healthcare industry for 15 years.  God, I feel old.  I hate it.  Yes, I'm helping people.  I have a secure job.  I just despise waking up everyday to perform my militant, structured job.

I enlisted a career counselor back in January, and after the Meyer's Brigg Testing, the personal interviews with myself, with my friends and family, and several other personality deep soul searching, I came to a conclusion, I should be in the fashion industry.


Shared on Fri, 04/10/2009 - 18:22

Great Moments in Healthcare Industry Jobs



Outpatient complains of long wait time.  Coulow gets patient to walk down MAIN hallway to Cat Scanner.  Transport is wheeling an Inpatient in bed.  Transports rolls over Inpatient's catheter bag.  Said bag explodes urine over entire hallway.  Outpatient is standing next to Coulow on invisible island watching entire event. 


Coulow turns to impatient Outpatient....


"Well, I'm sorry for the delay again, however this IS the only way to the scanner.  Do you mind waiting here while I get housekeeping?"



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