gwarrior2k's blog


Shared on Sat, 12/16/2006 - 08:32

Sequel Confusion

Found this rant about about video and movie sequel titles. Funny stuff. *Warning* Language NSFW!


And jumping on the music bandwagon, one of my favourite Canadian bands, Thornley. Former frontman for Big Wreck, I've seen him live a couple of times now and he has an amazing voice.



Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 07:32

Green friday and Mayans

 YES it's Friday and it's still green here. No snow in the near future, just rain...more rain. It's supposed to go up to 9C (48F) on Sunday. I know, to most of you south of the border that's brr weather but up here it's t-shirt time. Long range report still shows above freezing temps and no snow to be seen so it's looking more and more like a green Xmas.

 Mel Gibson's Apocalypto is out and it looks awesome. Here's the trailer:



Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 07:32

Green friday and Mayans

 YES it's Friday and it's still green here. No snow in the near future, just rain...more rain. It's supposed to go up to 9C (48F) on Sunday. I know, to most of you south of the border that's brr weather but up here it's t-shirt time. Long range report still shows above freezing temps and no snow to be seen so it's looking more and more like a green Xmas.

 Mel Gibson's Apocalypto is out and it looks awesome. Here's the trailer:



Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 11:49

Sugar rush and movie news

 I got an email from my son today (my kid's seem to be the only ones who remember that I work nights and sleep during the day. Everyone else I know has no problem phoning me whenever they feel like it. But I digress). He wanted to make sure I was going to be good and early picking them up Sat. morning as their half-brother is having his birthday party that day (he's turning 5. My two are teenagers). His reason and I quote: "The last thing we want is to be trapped in a house with 8 five years olds hopped up on cake and ice cream". I'm tempted, very tempted.


Shared on Thu, 12/14/2006 - 11:49

Sugar rush and movie news

 I got an email from my son today (my kid's seem to be the only ones who remember that I work nights and sleep during the day. Everyone else I know has no problem phoning me whenever they feel like it. But I digress). He wanted to make sure I was going to be good and early picking them up Sat. morning as their half-brother is having his birthday party that day (he's turning 5. My two are teenagers). His reason and I quote: "The last thing we want is to be trapped in a house with 8 five years olds hopped up on cake and ice cream". I'm tempted, very tempted.


Shared on Wed, 12/13/2006 - 14:55


 Or at least that's what I thought for a sec. I got up and glancing out the window all I could see was white. Well holy crap, the weather changed and it snowed. Then I took a closer look and realized someone parked four sections of a modular home, covered in white tarp, in the parking lot of the mall across the street. I was at just the right angle for it to appear like there was snow everywhere. Checked the long range forecast....still above freezing temps right through Wed.


Shared on Wed, 12/13/2006 - 14:55


 Or at least that's what I thought for a sec. I got up and glancing out the window all I could see was white. Well holy crap, the weather changed and it snowed. Then I took a closer look and realized someone parked four sections of a modular home, covered in white tarp, in the parking lot of the mall across the street. I was at just the right angle for it to appear like there was snow everywhere. Checked the long range forecast....still above freezing temps right through Wed.


Shared on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 07:28

Will it snow by Christmas?

 With Xmas less than two weeks away, the question arises- green or white? I'm putting my money on green. The forecast for this week? Cloudy, rain, cloudy, rain,  and rain. Temps: 4-6C (39-43F). This will leave one week for the forces of nature to set the scene for the holidays. Can't see it happening but ya never know.


Shared on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 07:28

Will it snow by Christmas?

 With Xmas less than two weeks away, the question arises- green or white? I'm putting my money on green. The forecast for this week? Cloudy, rain, cloudy, rain,  and rain. Temps: 4-6C (39-43F). This will leave one week for the forces of nature to set the scene for the holidays. Can't see it happening but ya never know.


Shared on Fri, 12/08/2006 - 13:21

Ooooh, I am in trouble

So this morning at work I get into it on the phone with a customer. He's an pinhead who works in the produce department of a chain grocery store in the next town over. This guy is an idiot. Tell me, why would a company hire a person to look after a dept when that person hasn't a clue about the products themselves? Typical conversation with this guy:

Dummy: Do you have green peppers?

Me: What size?

Dummy: What sizes do you have?

Me: Medium and Extra large.

Dummy: How many peppers in a case of medium?

Me: 25lbs.

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