gwarrior2k's blog


Shared on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 19:45

GoW and Foreign Films

Finished GoW on hardcore today. Hurray for me. This is an awesome looking game and the characters and monsters are cool and all but I have one beef. The controls. More specifically, the A button. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have cover and run on the same button needs to have his nuts skinned and dipped in lemon juice. I love the cover aspect of the game and the roadie run but why couldn't they have been on two different buttons. It was continually frustrating bouncing from wall to wall when I was trying to just move to another part of the map.


Shared on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 14:06

Global warming

The weather around here is just screwy. I've bitched and complained lately about all the rain we've been getting around here(more rain in the forecast tomorrow). Right now, as I type, it's hazy out and 16C ( that's 61F for all you 'mericans ) . And Dec. will be here in a couple of days. Did I mention that I live just outside of Ottawa? You know, the capital of Canada, the Great White North. Hell, the grass is greener now than it's been all summer.

So a show of hands. Who wouldn't mind seeing this movie made?


Shared on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 14:06

Global warming

The weather around here is just screwy. I've bitched and complained lately about all the rain we've been getting around here(more rain in the forecast tomorrow). Right now, as I type, it's hazy out and 16C ( that's 61F for all you 'mericans ) . And Dec. will be here in a couple of days. Did I mention that I live just outside of Ottawa? You know, the capital of Canada, the Great White North. Hell, the grass is greener now than it's been all summer.

So a show of hands. Who wouldn't mind seeing this movie made?


Shared on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 14:15

Doom and Gloom: The Sequel

It's raining again. And it rained yesterday. And the 5 day forecast calls guessed it, rain right through to Fri. Attention Pacific northwest, could you please come and pick up your weather, it's overstayed its welcome.

This weekend was pretty good footbal wise. USC beat up on Notre Dame which means I get bragging rights at work for another year. And hopefully a championship game. Cincy won handily and now its prayer and fingercrossing time for at least a wildcard berth.

Upcoming for the family and a not-your-usual-Jim-Carrey flick


Shared on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 14:15

Doom and Gloom: The Sequel

It's raining again. And it rained yesterday. And the 5 day forecast calls guessed it, rain right through to Fri. Attention Pacific northwest, could you please come and pick up your weather, it's overstayed its welcome.

This weekend was pretty good footbal wise. USC beat up on Notre Dame which means I get bragging rights at work for another year. And hopefully a championship game. Cincy won handily and now its prayer and fingercrossing time for at least a wildcard berth.

Upcoming for the family and a not-your-usual-Jim-Carrey flick


Shared on Fri, 11/24/2006 - 10:17

All quiet on the homefront

Not much doing today. Got home from work this morning and finished the Knights of Nine quest for Oblivion. No kids this weekend cause they're back up to the hills to try their luck again at hunting with grandpa. Might just have to try and hook up with some of you fine people on Gears tonight.

Hope all of my sisters and brothers of different mothers from the U.S. of A. had an enjoyable and fattening turkey day yesterday.

Today's chuckle....George W. does U2:


Shared on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 15:48


So today's movie subject is remakes. Should they or shouldn't they? I'm of mixed emotions here. I love movies. Old and new. Technology today makes it possible to put anything on the big screen and have it look as real as if you were standing next to it. Older movies look positively primitive by today's standards.


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 15:23

Sunny days and PMS

Not exactly a combo that most people would think of but...

Yes, the sun is out. 2 days straight now. And is supposed to stay that way through the weekend. Yay!

I found this on Youtube and knew I would have to post it. The guys here I'm sure will get a chuckle and the ladies...well, it's all in good fun, right?


This too is worth a laugh. It's been out a while now so you may have seen it.


Shared on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 15:20

Doom and gloom

The sun was supposed to come out today. They lied. The weather in this part of the world sucks right now. Has for going on three months now. As of last Friday it had rained 52 of the past 76 days. I barely remember what the colour sky-blue looks like any more. This may account for the rather depressing mood I've been in lately. Everything just seems so.....grey. They're forecasting sunny skies tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it.

On the movie front, a couple of interesting rumours and a couple of good looking trailers. First the rumours:


Shared on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 11:51

Rebuttal time

After reading Cranefolder's blog rant and all the comments on digg, a single thought popped into my head. I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder or pick a fight but sir, you are wrong. And to all those who disagreed with him, you're wrong too.

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