gwarrior2k's blog


Shared on Fri, 12/08/2006 - 13:21

Ooooh, I am in trouble

So this morning at work I get into it on the phone with a customer. He's an pinhead who works in the produce department of a chain grocery store in the next town over. This guy is an idiot. Tell me, why would a company hire a person to look after a dept when that person hasn't a clue about the products themselves? Typical conversation with this guy:

Dummy: Do you have green peppers?

Me: What size?

Dummy: What sizes do you have?

Me: Medium and Extra large.

Dummy: How many peppers in a case of medium?

Me: 25lbs.


Shared on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 06:45

Public Service Announcement

Here are ten good reasons not to pass out with your shoes on.






Shared on Tue, 12/05/2006 - 06:45

Public Service Announcement

Here are ten good reasons not to pass out with your shoes on.






Shared on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 13:54

Suffer the children

People going through breakups/divorces tend to get emotional. And this sometimes leads to intellectual shutdown. Who suffers? The kids of course. Way too often you see couples splitting up and both parties hell bent on doing what they can to screw over their former partner. A good deal of the time this involves using the children as leverage and/or weapons.


Shared on Mon, 12/04/2006 - 13:54

Suffer the children

People going through breakups/divorces tend to get emotional. And this sometimes leads to intellectual shutdown. Who suffers? The kids of course. Way too often you see couples splitting up and both parties hell bent on doing what they can to screw over their former partner. A good deal of the time this involves using the children as leverage and/or weapons.


Shared on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 13:50

Winter Wonderland......not!

I read Sys's blog about being snowed in and then look out my window. GREEN. Nothing but. It did snow on Ottawa. Here all we got was rain, rain and then a little bit of freezing rain. 45 minutes apart and as I was driving to pick up the kids I watched as it went from green grass to a light dusting of the white stuff to little snowbanks on the streets(very little) and no green to be seen. On the way back home we were delayed for a while by a flock of about 20 or so wild turkeys casually meandering across the road. They have to be the stupidest creatures on the planet.


Shared on Sun, 12/03/2006 - 13:50

Winter Wonderland......not!

I read Sys's blog about being snowed in and then look out my window. GREEN. Nothing but. It did snow on Ottawa. Here all we got was rain, rain and then a little bit of freezing rain. 45 minutes apart and as I was driving to pick up the kids I watched as it went from green grass to a light dusting of the white stuff to little snowbanks on the streets(very little) and no green to be seen. On the way back home we were delayed for a while by a flock of about 20 or so wild turkeys casually meandering across the road. They have to be the stupidest creatures on the planet.


Shared on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 15:05

See my butt!

Quick post. Hope a few people see this and spread the word around. It's hilarious. A bit NSFW with the language but not too bad. I don't know what it's from but I couldn't stop laughing.





Shared on Sat, 12/02/2006 - 15:05

See my butt!

Quick post. Hope a few people see this and spread the word around. It's hilarious. A bit NSFW with the language but not too bad. I don't know what it's from but I couldn't stop laughing.





Shared on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 19:45

GoW and Foreign Films

Finished GoW on hardcore today. Hurray for me. This is an awesome looking game and the characters and monsters are cool and all but I have one beef. The controls. More specifically, the A button. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have cover and run on the same button needs to have his nuts skinned and dipped in lemon juice. I love the cover aspect of the game and the roadie run but why couldn't they have been on two different buttons. It was continually frustrating bouncing from wall to wall when I was trying to just move to another part of the map.

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