Kwazy's blog


Shared on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 12:37


On Friday, July 13th, I officially had 1307 forum posts.

Which is strange, as one supposed origin of the whole superstition dates back to the betrayal of the Knights Templar by, among others the French King Phillip IV.  This occurred on October 13th in, you guessed it....1307

Odd coincidence.


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 20:30

America: It still works, at least some things about it.

The wife and I are visiting Italy in October with much of my extended clan family (we're from there, and what not).  My passport expired a couple of years back, and as I wasn't planning on going anywhere I hadn't renewed it.

As there's been much publicized delays in passport applications in the news lately, I figured I'd better get on my horse and get mine renewed.  Just to be safe, I had it expedited.  Holy Schnikies, did they ever do it right!


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 20:30

America: It still works, at least some things about it.

The wife and I are visiting Italy in October with much of my extended clan family (we're from there, and what not).  My passport expired a couple of years back, and as I wasn't planning on going anywhere I hadn't renewed it.

As there's been much publicized delays in passport applications in the news lately, I figured I'd better get on my horse and get mine renewed.  Just to be safe, I had it expedited.  Holy Schnikies, did they ever do it right!


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 15:15


Bought a new computer to replace the one I had which was dying prior to leaving on vacation.  I moved most of my files and preferences over before I left, but just started last night in earnest trying to actually use Windows Vista.

This brought about some serious questions:

Did anyone that had anything to do with developing Vista ever actually use a previous version of Windows?  Or a computer at all for that matter?


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 15:15


Bought a new computer to replace the one I had which was dying prior to leaving on vacation.  I moved most of my files and preferences over before I left, but just started last night in earnest trying to actually use Windows Vista.

This brought about some serious questions:

Did anyone that had anything to do with developing Vista ever actually use a previous version of Windows?  Or a computer at all for that matter?


Shared on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 22:31

Some reasons why I love America

First day of vacation
Wake up 8:00 AM start working in the yard
10:00 AM Home Depot delivers 800 red brick pavers for backyard project
Work for five hours, feel sense of accomplishment
Visit father-in-law in hospital. He's doing better
Over to friends' house for pre-4th festivities
Friends' zero generation mom from Guadalaraja makes 50 lbs of fajitas
Chinese-made fireworks, nobody loses a finger
Smuggled Cuban Cohiba
Many beers and bourbons amoung friends
Run Euchre table for 1:45 straight
Put wife to bed


Shared on Sat, 06/30/2007 - 22:31

Some reasons why I love America

First day of vacation
Wake up 8:00 AM start working in the yard
10:00 AM Home Depot delivers 800 red brick pavers for backyard project
Work for five hours, feel sense of accomplishment
Visit father-in-law in hospital. He's doing better
Over to friends' house for pre-4th festivities
Friends' zero generation mom from Guadalaraja makes 50 lbs of fajitas
Chinese-made fireworks, nobody loses a finger
Smuggled Cuban Cohiba
Many beers and bourbons amoung friends
Run Euchre table for 1:45 straight
Put wife to bed


Shared on Wed, 06/27/2007 - 16:26

Da Roundup!

That must be a relief to Mr. Conduct Report
Cost of a Titlist golf ball: $2. 


Shared on Wed, 06/27/2007 - 16:26

Da Roundup!

That must be a relief to Mr. Conduct Report
Cost of a Titlist golf ball: $2. 


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 19:22

Da Roundup

Talk about failing to grasp the concept!
I would definitely stuff something offensive in her bag

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