Robbway's blog


Shared on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 19:01

Irresponsible Journalism

I was watching Inside Edition, a show not well known for responsible journalism to begin with, so consider the source.  They were reporting on yet another video of a little girl being beat up by other girls for no reason.  Surprisingly, they're taking the high road, denouncing these acts.  I can't watch the videos, personally, not even the censored ones.  Unfortunately, they had an "expert" on these things who claimed (paraphrased) "clearly this [Melbourne, FL] beating is a copy cat.  This sort of thing was unheard of before [YouTube]."


Shared on Mon, 01/29/2007 - 19:01

Irresponsible Journalism

I was watching Inside Edition, a show not well known for responsible journalism to begin with, so consider the source.  They were reporting on yet another video of a little girl being beat up by other girls for no reason.  Surprisingly, they're taking the high road, denouncing these acts.  I can't watch the videos, personally, not even the censored ones.  Unfortunately, they had an "expert" on these things who claimed (paraphrased) "clearly this [Melbourne, FL] beating is a copy cat.  This sort of thing was unheard of before [YouTube]."


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 17:08

Don't Ruin This Movie With a Licensed Game

Pan's Labyrinth was a very good movie that I just saw.  I was surprised by the extreme graphic violence.  The ads don't quite give that away.  I have realized the violence was necessary for one reason.  The director included the violence so that you will want to look away and escape into the fantasy world along with Ofelia.  Ofelia was the little girl with her nose into every fairy tale book she could obtain.  The movie is just as easily interpreted as the girl's imagination or what she actually experienced.  I'm not going to debate either.  The idea was to pull you in and make you actively


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 17:08

Don't Ruin This Movie With a Licensed Game

Pan's Labyrinth was a very good movie that I just saw.  I was surprised by the extreme graphic violence.  The ads don't quite give that away.  I have realized the violence was necessary for one reason.  The director included the violence so that you will want to look away and escape into the fantasy world along with Ofelia.  Ofelia was the little girl with her nose into every fairy tale book she could obtain.  The movie is just as easily interpreted as the girl's imagination or what she actually experienced.  I'm not going to debate either.  The idea was to pull you in and make you actively


Shared on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 16:11

What if a Definitive Link Was Found? A Fantasy.

This is a little related to the last post, but as a thought experiment, let's assume that violence in videogame does actually influence violence and violent crimes. Do you think we'd be able to put an age limit on games? Maybe. Let's go thru a Columbine-like incident. It's a hearing to determine if a trial is needed.

Defense: The defendent, age 15, played violent games obsessively. This contributed to his actions.


Shared on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 16:11

What if a Definitive Link Was Found? A Fantasy.

This is a little related to the last post, but as a thought experiment, let's assume that violence in videogame does actually influence violence and violent crimes. Do you think we'd be able to put an age limit on games? Maybe. Let's go thru a Columbine-like incident. It's a hearing to determine if a trial is needed.

Defense: The defendent, age 15, played violent games obsessively. This contributed to his actions.


Shared on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 15:24

There Is No Pong In Scripture

Once again, the Pope, who is in an undeservedly powerful political position, issued a very negative position on violence and sexual content in video games (courtesy of At least he reminds parents to be mindful of their children. Okay, Mr. Pope--can I call you Benny? Videogames are not real. They are interactive fantasy. Since when do we treat fantasy as if it were tangible?


Shared on Thu, 01/25/2007 - 15:24

There Is No Pong In Scripture

Once again, the Pope, who is in an undeservedly powerful political position, issued a very negative position on violence and sexual content in video games (courtesy of At least he reminds parents to be mindful of their children. Okay, Mr. Pope--can I call you Benny? Videogames are not real. They are interactive fantasy. Since when do we treat fantasy as if it were tangible?


Shared on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 12:44

Music Games

You have your dance and keyboard games, which are very interactive with the music.  Then you have Lumines which themes the sounds and times the combos to the music.  I mean, to be honest, it just makes the game Lumines a rich experience, and I love it, but it isn't really a music game at all.  Why?  Because you can strip out the music and still play the puzzle game just fine.  I still think Lumines is quite the experience, but then came Every Extend Extra and Gunpey.  Not only can you strip off the music, but doesn't play much into the game at all.  Ironically, the graphics on EEE and Gunpey a


Shared on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 12:44

Music Games

You have your dance and keyboard games, which are very interactive with the music.  Then you have Lumines which themes the sounds and times the combos to the music.  I mean, to be honest, it just makes the game Lumines a rich experience, and I love it, but it isn't really a music game at all.  Why?  Because you can strip out the music and still play the puzzle game just fine.  I still think Lumines is quite the experience, but then came Every Extend Extra and Gunpey.  Not only can you strip off the music, but doesn't play much into the game at all.  Ironically, the graphics on EEE and Gunpey a

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