Mandingo's blog


Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 14:53

Camping is in tents silly timmy

I know that this is not new information, but I’m getting so sick and tired of hearing complaints about camping. I’m a COD guy, so feel free to disregard this blog if you are into something else.  If you agree, then leave comments and clicky click the thumbs up button, it gives me happy.


Shared on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 14:53

Camping is in tents silly timmy

I know that this is not new information, but I’m getting so sick and tired of hearing complaints about camping. I’m a COD guy, so feel free to disregard this blog if you are into something else.  If you agree, then leave comments and clicky click the thumbs up button, it gives me happy.


Shared on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 09:05

Ode To The Litterbug

Dirtbag, how is it that you drive a ginormous 28 passenger SUV but are unable to find an ash tray or receptacle of any kind in which to throw your shit? Why is your vehicle too good for your cigarette/McDonald's bag but the sidewalk, street or wherever you happen to be is more than adequate? 


Shared on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 09:05

Ode To The Litterbug

Dirtbag, how is it that you drive a ginormous 28 passenger SUV but are unable to find an ash tray or receptacle of any kind in which to throw your shit? Why is your vehicle too good for your cigarette/McDonald's bag but the sidewalk, street or wherever you happen to be is more than adequate? 


Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 14:21

Because I'm a nice guy

....I found these COD4 .rar files for you all.  And not only that, but I also converted them (winrar) to mp3 so that you could all prove your geekdom to the world by using them as ringtones.  To get them onto your phone just set up a freebie account at and send them to yourself.  Simple as that.  My old ass phone doesn't support uploading ringtones, but I wish the best for all of you.  Enjoy. 

Friendly Helicopter On The Way


Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 14:21

Because I'm a nice guy

....I found these COD4 .rar files for you all.  And not only that, but I also converted them (winrar) to mp3 so that you could all prove your geekdom to the world by using them as ringtones.  To get them onto your phone just set up a freebie account at and send them to yourself.  Simple as that.  My old ass phone doesn't support uploading ringtones, but I wish the best for all of you.  Enjoy. 

Friendly Helicopter On The Way


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 13:41

Will you be my friend?

Every now and then I get wrong calls, messages, texts etc.  Depending on my mood I tell you, or I'll just play along.  I'm an ass from time to time, but really, who isn't?  Here is a text that I got last night during dinner and my responses. 

Nate: Yo whats up   
Me:    just chilin yo, who dis b
Nate: Nate
Nate:  If you guys are bored or what ever you can come over
Me:     cool, we come by in an hour
Nate:  okay thats fine and we can order like pizza and wings too
Me:     K
Nate (an hour later): yo you coming?


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 13:41

Will you be my friend?

Every now and then I get wrong calls, messages, texts etc.  Depending on my mood I tell you, or I'll just play along.  I'm an ass from time to time, but really, who isn't?  Here is a text that I got last night during dinner and my responses. 

Nate: Yo whats up   
Me:    just chilin yo, who dis b
Nate: Nate
Nate:  If you guys are bored or what ever you can come over
Me:     cool, we come by in an hour
Nate:  okay thats fine and we can order like pizza and wings too
Me:     K
Nate (an hour later): yo you coming?


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 08:40

I've asked you nicely 12 times to stop sending me FWDs. Are you Retarded?

Yes, I realize that the email that your college roommate (from 15 years ago) sent you made you LOL and you can’t stand the thought of anyone missing out on this totally original joke/scam/e-card. But when I open my inbox and see 32 forwards and have to sift through it all to get to the important emails I get a tad bit irritated. 


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 08:40

I've asked you nicely 12 times to stop sending me FWDs. Are you Retarded?

Yes, I realize that the email that your college roommate (from 15 years ago) sent you made you LOL and you can’t stand the thought of anyone missing out on this totally original joke/scam/e-card. But when I open my inbox and see 32 forwards and have to sift through it all to get to the important emails I get a tad bit irritated. 

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