biorod's blog


Shared on Wed, 08/02/2006 - 12:14

Oil Safari

I found a very well-done article on the Chicago Tribune titled "Oil Safari." It's a sobering look at the journey of fuel from the oil deposits in Iraq, Nigeria, the Gulf, and Venezuela to a gas station in suburban Chicago.


Shared on Mon, 07/24/2006 - 14:51

Weekend Goings On

I had a nice weekend gaming wise. I didn't feel too well yesterday, but my wife and I still managed to get baby gates installed at the top of the stairs and at the two doorways into the living room.


Shared on Wed, 07/12/2006 - 14:15

Awesome Customs

I got into some awesome customs last night. Started with some good 2v2s with neks, Fire, and Bioslayer. We switched up partners each game and all of them were pretty close games. Although I went negative in 2 of the 3, and only broke even when Bioslayer and I were paired on Warlock. A bunch of others joined in later including Beestie, Soup, Drost, Malice, eks, slickrick, and mash. It’s awesome to get into more strategic games instead of the randomness of MM or customs where I’m one of the more dominant players (which, to say the least, I wasn’t last night).


Shared on Thu, 07/06/2006 - 10:51

Be Direct

There’s an article on about whether obese children should be called ‘obese’ by the medical community.  It seems that experts feel more politically correct language should be used to describe what is now an epidemic.  I understand that overweight or obese children may be sensitive about their appearance especially in a society that arguably values it above all other things.  However, their sensitivity does not supplant the need to see truth and


Shared on Thu, 06/29/2006 - 11:50


Work is a waste today. I’m not feeling well because my son brought home another illness from daycare to share with my wife and me. I swear, infants are like disease sponges. Anyway, I’m taking Sudafed and basically zoning at work. Eyes glossy. Mind numb. Screen blurry.


Shared on Mon, 06/19/2006 - 11:41

First Father’s Day

So yesterday was my first Father’s Day as a father. My wife’s parents and her aunt and uncle visited us this weekend, and we ate a tremendous amount of food and put away about a case and a half of beer, so that was fun. We grilled a bunch of stuff like speedies, bratwursts, and hotdogs and had some Caesar salad, baked beans, chips, and deviled eggs. :D In addition, her dad and uncle helped me do some stuff around the house.


Shared on Wed, 06/14/2006 - 12:42

Working On a Montage

So I’m working on another montage. The last one I made was about a year ago just before my son was born. It sucked. I rushed through it because I knew that once we had a newborn in the house, the last thing I’d have time to do was sit at my PC and work on a video. I also had an antiquated capture card and used Adobe Premiere, which has a nice interface but takes up a tremendous amount of room and is painfully slow and inconvenient, sort of like the line at the post office.


Shared on Mon, 06/12/2006 - 09:11

MLG 4v4, Saturday, June 10th, 2006

MLG 4v4, Saturday, June 10th, 2006

This was my second 4v4 tournament with the 2Old2Play folks. Caesar and Royal couldnt make it in time to start, but fortunately, I was able to get on a makeshift team with Darth Vader, Malinko, and ComputerGeek.


Shared on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 13:53

We Should Be Mad

As the elections this year approach, we should all be mad as hell.  All it takes is juxtaposing the world’s problems and what candidates wish to discuss.  I do this probably more than I ought to, as my wife would tell you, and I feel like the Earth is the universe’s largest insane asylum.  Let’s look at our problems:


Shared on Mon, 06/05/2006 - 07:51

MLG 4v4 Tournament, Saturday, June 3, 2006

I participated in my first MLG 4v4 Tournament on Saturday, June 3rd. This was my first 4v4 with nearly everyone in the room, which isn’t good when you’re playing against an experienced team. I didn’t practice the game types with my team, which also isn’t good.

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